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抠图补丁在两侧。Cutout patches at sides.

想要删,是删不干净的。Want cutout , it is cutout is sordid.

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结果发现那是一个真人大小的保罗-麦卡尼剪影。It was a life-sized Paul McCartney cutout.

餐厅的墙壁上有个真人大小的奥巴马凹像。There's a life-size cutout of Obama on the wall.

一个面露笑容的爱因斯坦的纸板剪影和读者打招呼。A cardboard cutout of a cheerful Albert Einstein greets visitors.

真皮与剪影细节上多增加的上诉鞋面。Genuine leather upper with cutout detail at the vamp for much added appeal.

就算是不想要内容,也不要删,把他改成其他的内容。It is do not want content, also do not want cutout , change him into other content.

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你的阿尔法通道应该在粗略剪切出的图形里填充白色。Your Alpha chanel should fill with white in the shape of your roughly cutout image.

于是,他请人把自己真人大小的纸板像送到了婚礼的现场,还有事先录好的婚礼祝词。So he sent a life-size cardboard cutout of himself, as well as a prerecorded speech.

这种头盔很轻并且开放面积更大拥有更好的视野。The helmet is lightweight and has a larger cutout area for better peripheral vision.

为了移除树周围的白色部分,我设置图层混合模式为“正片叠底”。To remove the white part of the cutout trees, I set the layer blend mode to "Multiply".

我差点忘了告诉你,我抠出的空间,为双十字护柱第一。I almost forgot to tell you that I cutout the space for the double cross bollards first.

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色彩鲜艳的、用马赛克摆出来的动物们,把这本非常有吸引力的书装点得更加优雅。Brightly colored, mosaic cutout animals of all sizes grace the pages of this very appealing book.

一位母亲至今仍然觉得难过,因为她女儿仅有的娃娃都是用剪碎的衣服和硬纸板做的。One mother still feels sad that her daughter’s only dolls were of the cardboard type with cutout clothes.

我国纸板脚是在坚持和曲柄的背景抠出的区域席卷了我的脚,而兜售。My cardboard foot is on a stick crank and has a background cutout of the area swept by my foot while peddling.

非常低调的V.34兼容的电话线接口。在印刷电路板开孔安装,销横向扩展。Very-low profile V. 34 compatible telephone line interface. Pins extend laterally for mounting within PCB cutout.

对蒙皮切口周边区域做高频涡流探伤检查并确定无裂纹存在。Performing high frequency eddy current inspection of area around skin cutout and make sure that no crack existing.

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抠图是计算机图形图像处理中最常用的技术,也是基本功能之一。Cutout computer graphics is the most commonly used in Computer graphics image processing, is one of the basic functions.

唱片封套没有任何摺痕、圈印或是裂缝。封套有剪裁过的缺角也不能当NM。NM covers have no creases, ring wear or seam splits of any kind. Covers with cutout markings can never be considered NM.

新的涂层材料的表面上的键盘,成为认为,在其中对样板被抠出洞的钥匙。New coating material of the surface keyboard became the felt, in which on the stencil were the cutout holes for the keys.