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汉考克是个没人爱的超人。Hancock is the superhero nobody likes.

但是,如果你的超人梦与我的南辕北辙,请看“梦到降落”。But what if your superhero dreams go south?

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你想入读超级英雄高中吗?Would you like to go to Superhero High School?

我于是知道Susan的超级英雄是“抚慰者“。So I knew that Susan's superhero was a Soother.

这是一个超级英雄漫画搞笑版。It is a funny version of the superhero comic books.

对他而言,我弟弟更像一个超级英雄,而不仅仅是个叔叔。My brother is more like a superhero to him than an uncle.

有记者称他为未穿紧身连衣裤的超级英雄。Some journalists called him a superhero without a leotard.

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如果这样措辞,会使你听起来像个超级英雄。When phrased this way, it makes you sound like a superhero.

当我处于类似情形时,我变成了一个超级英雄。When I was in a similar situation, I turned into a superhero.

在黑板的上方是十几副超级英雄们的武打动作图。Atop one blackboard stands dozens of superhero action figures.

超级英雄电影照理来说应该一飞冲天,但是其中的大部分却一瘸一拐。Superhero movies are supposed to soar but most of these limp.

他把美联储描述成金融市场的超级英雄,无所不能。He described the Fed as a type of superhero for financial markets.

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子弹乱飞时你飞扑过去,扮演超级英雄?When the bullets started flying and you swooped in and played superhero?

首先,他会飞,这是电影史上第一个无家可归的超级英雄-超级流浪汉。He can fly, for starters, the first homeless superhero in movies-Superbum!

最近他成为扮演好莱坞超级英雄角色的第三位英国演员。He is the third British actor to be cast as a Hollywood superhero recently.

在当天收到电子邮件时,我还以为Maida的超级英雄被释放了。When ane-mail arrived that very day, I thought Maida's superhero was unleashed.

有报道称性感女超人将在美国万圣节大受欢迎。Sexy superhero costumes are reportedly going to be big in the US this Halloween.

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一个女孩抬起头,惊奇的看着他,仿佛她正面对着一位超级英雄。One girl looked up, amazed, as though she had come face to face with a superhero.

像其他名副其实的超级英雄一样,狼獾拥有异常的忍耐力。And like any superhero worth his or her salt, the wolverine has exceptional endurance.

这部电影讲述了一个超级英雄的故事,演绎了一个功能失调的家庭,还突显了中年危机的问题。It's a superhero movie. It's a dysfunctional family movie. It's a mid-life crisis movie.