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为什么巴洛克艺术风格适合某一时期,而另一时期却显得过于炫目辉煌?Why is baroque right for one age and too effulgent for another?

欢迎你来这儿,待一段时间,感受他强烈的、灿烂的存在。You are welcome to come here, stay for some time, and feel his strong, effulgent Presence.

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实际上,一有在风暴以后发光的最辉煌的光束的不尽的想法。In fact, one has endless thoughts for the most effulgent sunbeam that shines after the storm.

中国古代女性艺术家与男性艺术家并肩齐驱,共同创造了灿烂的中华文化艺术。China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts.

云南有着悠久的历史,二十六个世居民族,在漫长的岁月中创造了光辉灿烂的文化艺术。In the past long history, the 26 ethnic groups who live in Yunnan have created an effulgent art and culture.

从我做起,从现在做起,我想在不久的将来的奥运会上,我一定能够拿到一枚真正的金牌,实现我光辉而灿烂的梦想!Start from me, from now on, I think in the future of the Olympic Games, I will be able to get a real gold, realize I effulgent dream!

光辉灿烂的缀饰闪亮系列、极具魅力的刺绣工艺系列,是今夏凉拖的主流。Effulgent compose acts the role of ablaze series, extremely attractive inwrought craft series, be today the mainstream that Xia Liang pulls.

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温暖湿润、景色秀丽的徽州地理环境创造了灿烂的徽州文化,而古村落是徽州文化的主要载体。The warm, wet and beautiful environment created the effulgent culture of Huizhou, and the Ancient Villages are the main carrier of the culture.

宽广博大的九州热土,光辉灿烂的华夏文明养育了一代又一代炎黄子孙,同时也塑造了中华民族丰富多彩的居住环境。The Chinese large land and effulgent culture not only foster Chinese generation and generation, but also create rich and colorful dwelling culture.

那时,灵魂能观照到自己超然于一切物质存在,充满永恒的自我的光芒,虽然非常微小,但决不会被分割。At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self- effulgent , never fragmented, although very minute in size.

中国,之所以引起世界人民对她深切的关注与向往,不但因为今天的繁荣与强大,更因为她有着古老而而悠久的历史,光辉而灿烂的文化。China has attracted people's deep attention all over the world, which not only for her prosperity and grandness, but also for her ancient and long-standing history and effulgent culture.

她就像光辉灿烂的太阳,带来了存在物,她躲在不同颜色和形状的云后面,存在物与华丽的光彩透过它们而闪耀着。She is like the effulgent sun, bringing into existence and shining through and standing behind the clouds of different colours and shapes, conjuring up wonderful forms in the blue autumn heaven.