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如何防假和打假成为当前社会各界共同关注的焦点。How to prevent and treat the falsification have been the focus of the society.

为了逃过被证伪的命运,星象学整个抹掉了其理论的可测试性。In order to escape falsification they destroyed the testability of their theory.

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他是说那些手印是伪造的,上面没有指纹。He is to say those fingerprints is falsification of, the top have no fingerprint.

本文对证实和证伪的逻辑基础进行了梳理和反省。This essay is a criticism on the logical basics of verification and falsification.

他掌握了无可置疑的证据,可以证实有一个历史事实是伪造的。He had held in his hands unmistakable proof of the falsification of a historical fact.

这所大学把这些研究人员伪造数据归咎为“缺乏道德诚信”。The university blamed the falsification on the researchers' "lack of moral integrity".

贩运的野生动物产品往往流入多功能的犯罪销赃网络,同时可导致"派生犯罪",例如官员腐败、伪造证件、恐吓乃至谋杀。This includes corruption of officials, falsification of documents, intimidation and murder.

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为什么给我这本污损过的伪经,这第一千次的抄本,笨拙的伪造?Why do you give me this tainted Apocrypha , this thousandth copy, this inept falsification?

任何医务调查员都会把已经发现的这种情形当作伪造的证据。Any medical investigator would accept the pattern already uncovered as evidence of falsification.

最近我们搜集到证据证明奥巴马在选择应用服务上做过伪造。Just recently we have collected evidence of falsification by Obama on his Selective Service Application.

因果关系是一种为了将世界系统化,简单化而假定的伪造,是一种作为生活条件的必要。Causality is a falsification schematizing and simplying the world and a necessary as a condition of life.

家长或监护人要为学校提供无遗漏或不虚假的、详细和全面的学生信息。The parents or the guardian of the student provide complete information without omission or falsification.

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如虚报或漏报任何重要资料,警务处处长可能会因此而拒绝签发许可证。Any material falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to issue a permit.

五月,梅德伟杰夫宣称他正在设置新的机构去反击他所谓的“歪曲历史”。In May, Medvedev announced that he was setting up a new body to counter what he called the "falsification of history".

与传统算法不同,文章的算法是证伪的从“攻击者”的角度出发,避免了“有限状态机”方法的复杂“状态空间”的搜索。Unlike traditional method, this paper is falsification based on intruder, so we avoid the complexity of finite-state machine.

财务舞弊是企业有意识地错报漏报会计信息,伪造盈余的会计造假行为。Financial fraud is a conscious companies reporting accounting misstatements , false falsification of accounting surplus of conduct.

一种表面无害却包含恶意逻辑的程序,它允许未授权地汇集、伪造或破坏数据。An apparently harmless program containing malicious logic that allows the unauthorized collection, falsification or destruction of data.

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这说明,中国自古在商品买卖中,就提倡公平交易、诚实待客、不欺诈、不作假的行业道德。This shows that since ancient times China advocated the ethics of fair trade, honesty towards customers, no deception and no falsification.

国际体操协会因其虚报年龄禁止朝鲜参加比赛,直到2012年伦敦奥运会。The International Gymnastics Federation has banned North Korea from competitions, extending through the 2012 Olympics, for age falsification.

在理论层面,借用简单共存类比、合情推理与证伪法的思想论证了单一被试实验设计的合理性。In the theory, the rationality of single subject research is demonstrated by single coexistent analogy, plausible reasoning and falsification.