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在每一刻。In every moment.

呼吸在瞬间凝止。Breath at moment.

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抓住这个时刻。Seize the moment.

这是他的时刻。This was his moment.

我犹豫了一会儿。I hesitated a moment.

请稍等片刻。Just a moment please.

关键时刻就是现在!Kairos moment is now!

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任何时刻,你来选。Any moment you choose.

尤记得那一刻。I remember the moment.

您能抽出一点空么?Can you spare a moment?

请稍等一下。Just a moment , please.

难不成真的是有个好时候?Is there a right moment?

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我的这个“时候”就来自于摩苏尔。My moment came in Mosul.

她虽然想了一会儿。She though for a moment.

让我们迎接这个时刻。Solet’s meet the moment.

我去一会儿就回来。I'll be back in a moment.

那一刹那是惊天动地的。It was a terrible moment.

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那是一个神圣的时刻。That was a sacred moment.

只是个金彩的时刻。It was a wonderful moment.

她盯着那卡片端详了一会儿。She stared at it a moment.