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我有点厌倦了漂泊的生活。I'm kind of tired of the vagabond life.

你知道我的闲游浪荡的习惯。You know my vagabond and restless habits.

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你知道我的这种流浪汉习惯,我是闲不住的。You know my vagabond and restless habits.

这些流浪者的鞋子,已经漂泊了很久。These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray.

在我流浪那些年,大多数被遗弃的男人好像都是白人。In my vagabond years most derelicts seemed to be white.

可能这衍生出了流氓翻译这词。Perhaps that's how "Vagabond Interpreter" came into being.

丽莉受不了穷亲戚们那种乞丐般的苦日子。Lily had no mind for the vagabond life of the poor relation.

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你把我所有的钱都给了一个手段卑劣的贼,一个无赖。You have given all my money to a common thief and a vagabond.

我是这世界上唯一的流浪者,我是一条被施了魔咒的河流。I'm the only vagabond under the sun. I'm a river with a spell.

来自四川的学生毕业作品,流浪的孩子,青春的悸动。Graduation film of a student from Sichuan. Vagabond child, youthful flutter.

她跟绑架她的人一起过著漂泊的生活。She lived a vagabond life in the constant presence of the couple accused of abducting her.

从那以后,他继续着流浪的生活,正如他自己对自己所称呼的那样“命运战士”。From that time onwards he continued his life as a vagabond mainly as what he himself calls a ‘soldier of fortune’.

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中国的网民们称其为“乞丐王子”、“英俊的流浪汉”,当然,最流行的称呼是“犀利哥”。Web users in China have called him the "Beggar Prince", the "Handsome Vagabond", and, most often, "Brother Sharp".

费朗德浪迹江湖的文雅风度,骗得了他的施舍,而这种施舍原来是应该捐助医院、或者外国教会以外的任何一种慈善事业的。Ferrand's vagabond refinement had beguiled him into charity that should have been bestowed on hospitals, or any charitable work but foreign missions.

年轻的无赖们一看到它,没有一个能忍耐一分钟而不立即向这位无罪的穿着者猛冲过去,对他进行伤害的。No young vagabond could be brought to bear its contemplation for a moment, without throwing himself upon the unoffending wearer, and doing him a mischief.

第一位将犀利哥的照片上传到天涯网站上的网友曾表示,这位流浪汉“可能有些精神障碍”,恳请网民们不要特意去街头“追星”。The first person to post Brother Sharp's photographs on tianya. cn wrote that the vagabond "may be mentally disturbed" and asked netizens not to bother him.

这便是为什么兰多·卡瑞辛会请洛博特帮忙解决“泰利康浪子”之谜的原因,“泰利康”浪子在雅文战役后16年破坏过新共和国的舰队。This is why Lando Calrissian recruited Lobot to help solve the mystery of the Teljkon vagabond that had been plaguing the New Republic fleet 16 years after the Battle of Yavin.

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其他的金龟子都说”我们招待的这个家伙真是一个彻头彻尾的混蛋,他跑了把他妻子这个包袱留给了我们"Oh, " said the other beetles, "this fellow that we have received into our family is nothing but a complete vagabond. He has gone away and left his wife a burden upon our hands."

那时,有几个游行各处,念咒赶鬼的犹太人,向那被恶鬼附的人,擅自称主耶稣的名,说,我奉保罗所传的耶稣,敕令你们出来。Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the LORD Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

电影说的是一个四处流浪的单身母亲、一个活泼聪明的女儿厌倦了居无定所的生活,打算在一个小镇安下身来,交一些朋友,做一些巧克力。In the movie, a vagabond single mother and a lively and clever daughter are tired of migrating life, and intend to settle down in a small town, make some friends and make some chocolates.