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杯子上有一道璺。The cup has a crack.

那么,这个裂缝是什么呢?So what is this crack?

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它爆开了第一道裂缝。The first crack appears.

这只碗上有条裂纹。The bowl has a crack in it.

她有一张丑得会吓破镜子的脸。Her face can crack a mirror.

玻璃绷了一条缝儿。The glass has a crack in it.

巨大的裂缝阻挡了前路。A large crack blocks the way.

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不久他们听到一声很大的破裂声。Soon they heard a loud crack.

玻璃玻璃啪啦破裂。The glass broke with a crack.

那种玻璃易破。That glass is liable to crack.

这块玻璃有一道裂痕。There is a crack in the glass.

你确定他能解得开密码吗?You sure he'll crack that code?

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他的嗓子开始倒仓。His voice is beginning to crack.

这只能轻易打开海贝。This one easily crack seashells.

黎明破晓-马来西亚东海岸。Crack of dawn. East cost Malasia.

岩石击碎一条船将易如敲碎一只坚果。They can crack a ship like a nut.

这个师是英国的一支精锐部队。This is a crack British division.

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那个人透过缝隙向里偷看。The man peeped in through a crack.

那个人透过缝隙向里偷看。The man peeped in through a crack.

感谢呯呯二人组的协助。Thanks to Crack Two for the assist.