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据他的分析,一个原油的“新牛市”很可能已经在存在。There is scope for a “new bull market” in oil, Currie said.

谢天谢地,南希·赫恩赖奇和贝蒂·科里留了下来。Thank goodness, Nancy Hernreich and Betty Currie were staying.

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柯里于上周五晚间证实了“袜子”的死讯,并称自己“非常伤心”。Currie confirmed Socks' death Friday evening and said she was "heartbroken."

内德居里被他情人的决心和一往情深所困惑,也深深地被感动了。Ned currie was puzzled by the determination and abandon of his sweetheart and was also deeply touched.

Currie称,农产品供应目前严重短缺,但石油要到2012年方可步入该阶段.Currie said agricultural commodities are already at critical shortages, but oil won't get to this stage until 2012.

库里正在研究这些转化氮气的细菌是否可以帮助切叶蚁将它们的食物转化为一种更易消化的形式。Currie is studying whether nitrogen-fixing bacteria help break down the ants’ leaf cuttings into a fungally-digestible form.

酷睿博士和梅琵博士认为他们找到了可以解决这个问题的方法,附带还可以减小LSC的制造难度。Dr Currie and Dr Mapel think they have found a way round this problem and, as a bonus, one that will also make LSCs easier to manufacture.

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最后第七章在前面各章分析的基础上,对马丁可利中国基金的投资策略进行了系统的总结。Finally the seven chapter sums up the investment strategy of Martin Currie China Fund on the basis of the analysis above all the chapters.

本文旨在研究鹅源草酸青霉产果胶酶对肉鸡消化生理的影响。The aim of the study was to explore the effects of Penicillium oxalicum Currie & Thom producing pectinase on the digestive physiology of broilers.

Currie表示12月的趋势将继续下去,而在经济复苏的支撑下,2011年的"关键主题"将是景气循环性商品的多头市场.Currie said December's trend would continue and "a key theme" of 2011 would be a bull market for cyclical commodities, supported by economic recovery.

他在周五举行的普氏石油会议上表示,贵金属是在量化宽松背景下上涨的.Speaking at a Platts oil conference on Friday, Currie said precious metals had run up on the back of quantitative easing, which had debased paper money.

柯里于上周五晚间证实了“袜子”的死讯,并称自己“非常伤心”。她没有透露“袜子”的具体死因,只称如有问题可以联系克林顿基金会办公室。Currie confirmed Socks' death Friday evening and said she was "heartbroken." She did not give detail s, referring calls to the Clinton Foundation office.

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地质学家把柯里砾石山丘的形成原因解释为约5亿5千万年前,由于山脉抬升,岩石成分迅速侵蚀风潮的残余物。Geologists interpret the Mount Currie Conglomerate as a remnant of a large fan of material rapidly eroded from mountains uplifted approximately 550 million years ago.

他和库里都注意到了切叶蚁在以真菌为食的蚂蚁中是一个独特而又复杂的种类,但是它们才在1000年前或者其他以真菌为食的生物之后才开始进化。He and Currie both noted that leafcutters are uniquely complex among fungus-growing ants, but evolved just 10 million years ago, or 40 million years after other fungus growers.