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这个故事也被重复讲了很多次。This story, too, has been retold many times.

这些是用英语复述的格林童话。These are Grimm's fairy tales retold in English.

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每个人在重述卖花女时都是在做一种原创的东西。Each person who retold Pygmalion didsomething both original

像所有的传说一样,水怪故事会被一说再说。Like all legends, the water horse story will be told and retold.

我一再告诉她们出生的故事,我给她们读其他人出生的故事。I told and retold their birth stories, I read them other people's birth stories.

他还新编格列佛游记,在格林威奖得主与堂吉诃德。He has also retold Gulliver's Travels, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal with Don Quixote.

在球队赢得了世界锦标赛冠军后,一个激动人心的故事在去年的电影“不可征服”中被再次讲述。The squad won the world championship, a feel-good story retold last year in the movie " Invictus."

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近年来,发生在世界各地的矿难多次见诸报端,矿工们的安全问题成了人们关注的焦点。In recent years, the tragic story of mine accidents has been retold many times in international headlines.

等于是一千零一夜寓言的重述,原发的时候说明了的。Stated in F&SF as being retold from the Sir Richard Burton translation in "A Thousand Nights and a Night".

每当中秋之夜,人们相聚一堂,共食月饼、品茶啜茗之时,这两个故事还是会被一再讲起。Both stories are often retold as people gather under the autumn moon, feasting on moon cakes and sipping fine tea.

每个符号将使用一生,但不同个体身上的细胞所复制的信息各不相同。One alphabet serves all life, but the tale retold in every cell of the body differs from individual to individual.

除了卡尔维诺还有谁能挑选出200个意大利民间故事,并如此出色的复述它们?Who but Italo Calvino could have selected two hundred of Italy's traditional folktales and retold them so wondrously?

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在各足球圈里,这个故事流行不已,一传再传,已达到了亚瑟王石中剑的神话境界。In soccer circles, the story has been told and retold so offen that it taken on Arthurian, sword-in-the-stone dimensions.

事实上,在剖腹产和超声波出现之前,这种关于怀孕无限期限的故事曾被反复提起。In fact, such tales ofinterminable childbearing were regularly told and retold in this erabefore caesarean section and ultrasound.

在我们针对亚舍的会议上,我们重复的讲著我们都记得的许多他学讲话时的故事。At the meeting where Asher was discussed, we retold many of the stories that we all remembered from his days of language acquisition.

尼斯湖水怪本身已经成为了一个神话--这就是怪物是如何形成的--毕竟它的故事不会停止。The Loch Ness monster has developed a mythology all its own —that's how monsters are made , after all — and its story will also be told and retold.

该游戏讲述了许多相同的方式发生了生化危机2,生化危机的成因新编原生化危机的事件。The game recounts the events of Resident Evil 2, much in the same manner that Resident Evil Genesis retold the events of the original Resident Evil.

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哈利又复述起他已经向邓布利多、麦格、庞弗雷夫人、赫敏、金妮等人说了好像有一百遍的故事。Harry retold the story he had already recounted, it felt like a hundred times to Dumbledore, to McGonagall, to Madam Pomfrey, to Hermione, and to Ginny.

为了让自己从登陆之后紧张的日程中放松一下,我今天抽了一天时间参观了被温哥华人民广为传诵的“吊桥”。To take my mind off the tight schedule after landing, I took a day off to visit what has been told and retold by Vancouver people , the Capilano Suspicion Bridge.

在本次“述说的,未说的和将要说的”展出上,她用200个丙烷气罐搭了一个小屋,巴达欧叶说,这代表着压迫和困境。Kenawy's exhibit at Told Untold Retold features a small room built from about 200 propane-gas cylinders. It is, Bardouil says, a symbol for oppression, of being trapped.