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李太太问基蒂和本。Li asks Kitty and Ben.

就像是"奇蒂猫"一样。Just like "Hello Kitty."

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基蒂已经写一个目录。Kitty has written a list.

基蒂也是一名监督员。Kitty was a supervisor too.

艾伦接近他的小猫。Allen reaches for his kitty.

基蒂是比艾丽丝更年轻。Kitty is younger than Alice.

我的名字叫基蒂,我是个女孩。My name's Kitty. I'm a girl.

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爸爸,我的小猫在这棵树上。Dad,my kitty is up in the tree.

小鹰垃圾是膨润土。Kitty litter is bentonite clay.

这是我的新同学基蒂。This is my new classmate Kitty.

丹尼尔的光盘比基蒂少。Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.

艾丽丝和基蒂是好朋友。Alice and Kitty are good friends.

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基蒂正在采访赛谬尔韩先生。Kitty is interviewing Samuel Han.

爱墙上的猫咪粘钩。Love the kitty wall holder thingy.

基蒂有个围巾和溜冰板。Kitty has a scarf and a skateboard.

李夫人和凯莉在一家大商店里。Mrs Li and Kitty are in a big shop.

基蒂缠着她母亲要个洋娃娃。Kitty deviled her mother for a doll.

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基蒂仇视那个年轻的打字员。Kitty was down on the junior typist.

谁是这个世界上最可爱的猫咪呀?Who’s the cutest kitty in the world?

丹尼是比艾丽丝和基蒂更高。Danny is taller than Alice and Kitty.