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涤纶是最热的。Polyester is the hottest.

这里的八月是最热的。Augst is the hottest month here.

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在烈火的燃烧时保持信念。And in the hottest fire hold still.

它是我最新的、最疼的心肝宝贝。It's the newest, hottest baby of mine.

七月是一年当中最酷热的一个月。July is the hottest month of the year.

这是迄今为止我通过的最热的一天。Itas the hottest day Iave hdeas so far.

三伏天是夏季最热的时候。Dog days are the hottest days in summer.

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它是世界上最热的洲。It is the hottest continent in the world.

这是迄今为止我经过的最热的一天。Itas the hottest day Iave harticle so far.

这是迄今为止我经由过程的最热的一天。Itas the hottest day Iave hcl post so far.

7月7日是这个夏季里最热的一天。July 7th is the hottest day in this summer.

所以,这是目前在美国最热的约会方式。It is on of the hottest new ways in America.

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当前记录在案的最热一年是1998年。Currently 1998 is the hottest year on record.

章子怡是中国最红的电影明星。Zhang Ziyi is the hottest film star in China.

可能美国空姐是最火辣的空姐之一。Maybe America stewardess is one of the hottest.

为这些火辣的秋色新妆铺定红地的毯吧!Roll out the red carpet for fall's hottest hues!

最热潮品是带装饰扣的方跟鞋。The hottest items are chunky heels with buckles.

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今年可能是已知历史上最热的一年。This could be the hottest year in known history.

哪个国家的空姐最火辣?美国吗?Which country has the hottest stewardess? America?

蓝白色的恒星则是星团中最热的。Theblue-white stars are the hottest in the cluster.