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全新s码的,没有吊牌。S new code, no tag.

一个标签处理函数类。A tag handler class.

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我掉了认领标签了。I lost my claim tag.

我弄丢了行李牌。I lost my baggage tag.

标签搜索引擎。Doobie search engine tag.

这是您的行李牌,先生。Here is the name tag . Sir.

谢谢,这是您的取物牌。Thank you. Here is your tag.

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这是我的行李提领牌。This is my baggage claim tag.

我们喜欢在蒙特利尔放标签。We'd love to tag in Monterey.

因此,我们选择保留这个标签。So, we choose to keep that tag.

在本例中,它是一个图像标记。In this case it is an image tag.

在CVS分支树里标记这一模块。Tag the CVS tree for the module.

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他的名牌上说他是一名医生。His name tag? says he is a doctor.

仅仅附以签条沿着直到你追赶。Just tag along until you catch up.

在右后口袋里的红色标识标签。Red logo tag at back right pocket.

为模块使用nofollow标签Use Nofollow Meta Tag with Modules

每件物品上都系上了标签。A tag was attached to each article.

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请记住挂好行李牌。Please remember hanging luggage tag.

你应该赋予这则故事以寓意。You should tag a moral to the story.

可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。Tag ! ine restrict swinging of ! oad.