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他前臂上刺有花纹。He had a tattoo on his forearm.

她张开巨大的前臂拥抱过你。She did give you one huge forearm.

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他用前臂裁魉擦嘴。He wiped his forearm across his lips.

一个愤怒的骆驼咬了他的前肩。A furious camel has bitten his forearm.

邓玉娇还刺伤了黄德智的前臂。She also stabbed Mr. Huang in the forearm.

什么是前臂旋前和前臂旋后呢?What is forearm pronation and supination ?

或许你的前臂更加具有可调性。Maybe your forearm could be more accommodating.

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他把其中一个豺狼人的护盾绑在自己的前臂上。He strapped one of the Jackal shields to his forearm.

骨折的左前臂被一块金属板联在一起。A metal plate keeps his fractured left forearm together.

第一个男人按了一下他的前臂,必必声就停止了。The first man presses his forearm and the beeping stops.

金立刻用大嘴咬住他的小臂。Instantly, King's massive jaws clamped around his forearm.

听了我的话,他突然停下脚步,转向我并抓住我的手臂。He abruptly stopped, turned toward me and grasped my forearm.

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从石琪祥的左前臂移植一块皮肤到他的脸上。They removed a patch of skin from his left forearm to his face.

前臂和手中的小肌肉是用以使手、指头活动。Forearm and small muscles in the hand move the hand and fingers.

他卷起右手腕的衬衫袖子,他的手臂已经严重的错位。He rolls up his right shirtsleeve. His forearm is badly mangled.

以下三张照片展示握柄的第一段﹐即靠近前臂的那部份。The below three photos are of the first section near the forearm.

慢慢地用右肘或前臂朝右方向用力。Gently apply pressure with right elbow or forearm towards the right.

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左前臂应该保持完全垂直,并且不能向前超出脚趾。The left forearm should be completely vertical and behind your toes.

展开手臂将前臂和手都放在地板上。Unroll the arm to rest the forearm and hand completely on the floor.

前臂的旋前和旋后功能得到明显改善。The function of pronation and supination of the forearm was improved.