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他犯下了滔天大罪。He committed a flagrant crime.

最明目张胆的藐视法律行径要算闯红灯了。The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner.

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其他公然剥夺人的生命、自由或安全权利的行为。other flagrant denial of the right to life, liberty, or security.

在以后的三个月里,这种关系显得更加彰明较著了。In the next three months this relationship took on a more flagrant form.

把13号球衣和我割裂,再给巴拉克,这是无法容忍的,也是缺乏尊重的。Nicking the No 13 off me to give it to Ballack was a flagrant lack of respect.

周日的比赛共有五个技术犯规,一个恶意犯规还有艾佛森的离场。Sunday's game featured five technicals, a flagrant foul and Iverson's ejection.

显然,骑车族公然藐视法律,对公众安全是一种威胁。Obviously, cyclists’ flagrant disrespect for the law is a threat to public safety.

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这句冠冕堂皇的谎言在我的肋骨间回荡,令我感到舒适无比,我几乎又把它说了一遍。This flagrant untruth reverberated so pleasantly between my ribs that I almost said it again.

作伪证是明显和公然违背司法程序的基本概念。Perjured testimony is an obvious and flagrant affront to the basic concepts of judicial proceedings.

该信补充道作为最后手段对明目张胆者应停止其宽带连接。As a last resort, the letter added, flagrant offenders should face having their connections suspended.

农产品以优质果品、珍稀蔬菜、香菇、草莓、葡萄、肉食鸡、奶牛等为主。Agricultural products include quality fruit , rare vegetable, flagrant mushroom, grape, chicken meat and cow, etc.

最近,中央显然试图控制最公然的制度践踏。There has recently been evidence that the center is trying to get a grip on the most flagrant abuses of the system.

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由于许多侵犯劳工权益的行为都很恶劣和嚣张,因此在绝大多数的案件中都是劳方胜出。And because most labour rights abuses are so flagrant and egregious , in the vast majority of cases, the workers win.

利比亚政府抨击黑格的访问是非法的,公然违反了所有国际公约。The Libyan government denounced Mr Hague's visit as illegal and a flagrant violation of all international conventions.

好象多的是,不过你要说了才肯拿出来,他们怕文化局查,现在不敢明目张胆的卖了。If more, but you have to say before the show, are they afraid of Culture to the investigation, now afraid to sell a flagrant.

同样地,无论对自己性别的偏袒有多么明显,大男子主义者对那种偏见也是视若无睹。Likewise, a male chauvinist cannot recognize how biased he is in favor of his own sex, no matter how flagrant that bias may be.

但与始终保持那种状态参加夏季周末户外派对的朋友不同,迈克尔和本似乎很有节制。But unlike some of our friends who rode the flagrant joy train all the way to rehab, Michael and Ben rarely seemed out of control.

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禅师说他并没有对奥多姆在与凯尔特人的比赛中对雷·阿伦的犯规事件找他谈话,奥多姆今天回归。Jackson said he hasn't talked to Lamar Odom about the suspension he received for a flagrant foul on Boston's Ray Allen last Sunday.

由于他根本不把这项运动的危险和仅有的规则放在眼里,因此获得了“自大狂”的绰号。He earned the moniker "Arrogant One" due to his flagrant disregard for the hazard of the sport and what few rules governed the races.

人们不能容忍和原谅的是,有人试图将爱心、美德本身,异化为营利的商品。People is flagrant and those who excuse is, somebody tries itself of love, goodness, dissimilation is the commodity that seek profits.