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我们不应该给农民打白条。We shouldn't issue IOU to farmers.

你看不见你自己,你所看见礯只是你的影子。What you are iou do not see, what you see is your shadow.

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别人向我借钱时一般都会请求立字据。When someone borrows money from me, I usually ask for an IOU.

香织固然看到了借条但不记得在借据上签过字。Sweet weave is seen iou but do not remember the words indicating signed.

请按上面的免费邮寄地址将欠条寄出,你将会收到全额退款。Please send IOU to the Freepost address shown for a full refund by return.

刘女士在律师的指导下,给债务人打去电话称借条丢了。Ms. Liu under the guidance of lawyers, to the debtor to call that IOU lost.

我脸红了。一张欠条就让我气愤难平,哪能体谅父亲的一片苦心?I blush. An IOU makes me furious, which can understand his father's a pains?

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曼彻斯特妇联也是这样的,她们甚至比利物浦还要接近破产边缘。Same for Manchester IOU although they are much closer to the edge than Liverpool.

被拖欠款项的另一半承包商将以现金和可交易的借据组合的方式结清欠款。The other half will have their claims settled by a mix of cash and a tradable IOU.

当你借来的钱去买你的家,你签本票安借据。When you borrowed the money to buy your home, you signed a promissory note – an IOU.

父亲一愣,然后缓缓走到里间,打开箱子,从一本旧书里取出了那张崭新的欠条。Father hesitated, then slowly walked to the inner, open the box, from an old book took out the new iou.

有35万多人通过借款及签订一种特别债务契约支付了旅费。More than 350,000 of them paid their way by borrowing and singing a unique IOU , an indenture contract.

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马上有一名客房服务员去您的房间带着欠衣单,请您在单子上签字。A housekeeper is on his way up to your room right now with an IOU slip for the missing piece of laundry dry.

在积体化光学模组设计上,像散法及刀缘法则分别被使用作为聚焦伺服之机制。In the IOU designs, the astigmatic and knife-edge methods were respectively adopted as the focusing servo mechanism.

还债的许诺,特别是指一张签了名的纸,上面写清了具体的钱数并常有IOU这几个字母。A promise to pay a debt, especially a signed paper stating the specific amount owed and often bearing the letters IOU.

也许我握有一份欠条,或是一份合约,某人承诺,在一年或者两年内支付我一些钱I may have an "IOU" From someone or I may own a bond from someone that promises to pay me something in a year or two years.

根据个别的物镜系统以及积体化光学模组,本论文发展出六种不同之三波长蓝光光学读写头设计。Six designs of three-wavelength blue-light OPHs have been developed corresponding to distinct system and IOU schemes in this thesis.

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假如你是一个菜鸟投资者,想投资于这些公司的债券,债券就是他们的偿还凭证或者说欠条Suppose you are a naive investor and you say, okay I'm going to invest in companies' paper, which is their promise to pay --their IOU.

欠条上的名字,有些他知道,有些他不知道,但后面的签名他却再熟悉不过——张德发,是父亲的名字。IOU slip on the name, some he knew and some he did not know, but behind the signature he was very familiar -- Zhang hair. the father's name.

在数百年前你们能做的,在今天还是能够做到的就是,到银行出示这份合约或欠条,问,你们根据它能给我多少钱What you could do hundreds of years ago-- and can still do it today-- was go to a bank and present this bond or IOU and say, "What will you give me for it?"