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我们把那条船从海底捞了起来。We raised the ship from the seabed.

譬如高高山顶立,深深海底行。For example, the high Peak-lap, deep seabed line.

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实现海底微形地貌的可视化。Realizing the visualization of the seabed subminiature terrain.

火车将运送着货物在260英尺的海床上以每小时60公里的速度奔驰。Trains would whisk cargos at up to 60 mph 260 feet beneath the seabed.

在巨大的爆炸声中,卡锡惨叫着和油轮沉入了海底。In a massive explosion, card and tin unseeing tanker sank to the seabed.

大部分海床都为海泥和零散的沙洲所覆盖。Much of the seabed is covered by marine mud with some scattered sand banks.

它在浅水区靠近海床的地方巡游,那里是十分安全的。It cruised in shallow water staying close to the seabed where it was safest.

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放眼望去,整个海底活像是一幅立体的世界地图。Looking ahead, like the whole seabed is a three-dimensional map of the world.

同时,他们还在搜寻海床,以期找到爆炸发生的原因。They are also searching the seabed for evidence of what caused the explosion.

九龍湾水域照片。于粉红色走线的中九龍干线是位于海床以下的隧道。Photo of Kowloon Bay water. Proposed CKR on the pink alignment is a tunnel under seabed.

这种方法使用一个安装在被叫做捞网的装置上的巨大“钉耙”直接刮过海床。It uses an enormous, toothed bar mounted on a device called a dredge to scrape the seabed.

裸露的海床布满白花花的海盐渍,一艘艘锈迹斑斑的渔船搁浅其中,从而导致失业率急剧上升。Unemployment has soared as the hulks of fishing boats rust away on the salt-encrusted seabed.

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我们正在观测墨西哥湾局势,由于海床的上升,随着压强的增加不断拉伸。We are watching the GOM as the seabed rises and becomes stretched with the pressure build up.

同时也简单地介绍了仿真系统中三维海底地形和目标的数据模型。Data models of three-dimensional seabed terrain and mine targets are also gived in this paper.

灰鲸是潜艇推土机,喂养蛤蜊和其他埋在海底的动物。Grey whales are submarine bulldozers, feeding on clams and other animals buried in the seabed.

海洋立管是海洋平台与海底井口间的主要连接件。Marine risers are the main connecter between a platform and the mouth of a well in the seabed.

深海采矿车为液压驱动低速履带车,在海底按一条S形的预定路径作业。Seabed mining vehicle is hydraulic drive, low speed and tracked, which runs alongs-shaped path.

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比如,在舍德兰群岛西边的海床可能就会存在30——40亿桶油气。The seabed west of the Shetlands may contain another 3 billion-4 billion barrels of oil and gas.

军用卡车、竖著的吉普车、看起来强而有力的军用推土机被搁在海床上。Resting on the seabed were military trucks, up-ended jeeps, and powerful-looking army bulldozers.

海底输油管线在敷设过程中需进行管线吊放作业。The lift-up and lie-down are the key operations during installation procedure of seabed pipeline.