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同盟国远征军最高司令部Supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force

当时国家设置的征讨都督是以大都督为称号的。Expeditionary Dudu set up by the country at that time was titled Dadudu.

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我们的任务是骚乱日本远征军主力的登陆。Our mission is to harass the landing of the main japanese expeditionary force.

对征讨都督在战争中起到的这种作用,是不应该忽视的。The effect of the expeditionary governor of province in the war shouldn't be ignored.

韩绍功和谢孝彰是一对中年男人,同在远征军第五军退役。HanShaoGong and XieXiaoZhang is a middle-aged man, always expeditionary force fifth army retired.

匆匆上马的“北伐军们”几仗下来纷纷落马。Hastily launched "the Northern Expeditionary Army had" several wars down one after another Lok Ma.

我们明白你和卡特夫妇、斯特林夫妇以及格兰特夫妇是远征任务的成员。You and the Hunters, Sterlings, and Grants are understood to be a part of the Expeditionary mission.

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头顶上,有着黑白条纹的盟军远征军飞机掌握了制空权。Overhead, specially marked black and white striped Allied Expeditionary Air Force aircraft owned the sky.

村民庆祝美国海军陆战队的第24海军陆战队远征部队的到来进入该镇。Villagers celebrate the arrival of the US Marines as the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit entered the town.

这一次,章东磐和几位同行者决定重走当年远征军之路。This time, Zhang Dong Pan and several colleagues who decided to re-take the road that year Expeditionary Force.

莉莉·莱纳巴瑞和她的“讨偿远征军朋友弦乐队”在给抗议者们演奏。Lillie Linebarrier and her band, the Friendly Bonus Expeditionary Force String Band, performed at the Bonus March.

为了让北伐军顺利进入济南城,李三等人炸毁马大帅军火库。In order to let the northern expeditionary army get to jinan city, lee third-class people blow up spell as Arsenal.

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张问德、韩绍臣们发动腾冲民众,抢运伤员、为远征军运送粮食。Zhang asked German, HanShaoChen launched the segmented public, cr transported for expeditionary casualties and food.

从兵士到百姓,每个人都置信,远征军以精锐部队赴缅作战,定会不日凯旋。From the soldiers to people, everyone believe, with elite force to simeon expeditionary operations, will soon to triumph.

远征各方的学者组成,主要是发送给莱特飞机进行进一步的调查和研究。Expeditionary parties comprised mainly of scholars were sent out to Lette Plane to conduct further investigations and research.

探险队员布里格斯最先入水勘测,但通讯后不久便和队友失去联系。Expeditionary team member Briggs most join water survey first, but connection is lost with teammate before long after communication.

这个移动自组网在美国陆军远征勇士实验期间为美国陆军实验部队进行了演示。The mobile ad-hoc network was demonstrated during the U.S.Army's Expeditionary Warrior Experiments for the U.S.Army's Experimental Force.

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随著过渡的开始,一个陆军旅作战部队和一支海军陆战队远征队已经归国,并且不再派出换防部队。As part of this transition, one Army brigade combat team and one Marine Expeditionary Unit have already come home and will not be replaced.

远征军和日军之间展开的松山战役历时三个月零三天。The Songshan Military Campaign between the Chinese Expeditionary Army and the Japanese Invaders in 1944 lasted three months and three days.

美军第2海军陆战队远征旅期待通过他的望远镜在汗Neshin区的赫尔曼德省2009年7月8日。A US marine from the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade looks through his binoculars in Khan Neshin district of Helmand province July 8, 2009.