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嘿,宝贝儿。Hey, sweetie.

因为我很累,宝贝,你等下再洗吧,好么?I am tired, sweetie. You take it later, okay?

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你的情人会爱好更加谦卑的个性。Your sweetie will prefer amore humble nature.

不善交际是我们不想要的,是吗,甜心?We wouldn't want to be gauche, would we, sweetie?

情人节这天带上你的爱人吃牛排晚餐?Taking your sweetie for a steak dinner this V-Day?

你希望所有事都完美无缺,不过,当你约会时,注意不要什么事都对服务员或者你的情人进行挑剔。over every single thing to your waiter or sweetie.

三天前,宝贝开始吃妈妈做的香蕉泥了。Three days ago, my sweetie began to have banana sauce.

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宝贝,你反应有点儿过了。放松点儿。只是一个节日而已。You are overacting, sweetie. Relax. It's just a holiday.

在计划你和情人或新的约会对象的安排时,不要玩得太过了。Don’t flake out on plans with your sweetie or a new date.

你听妈妈平常说什么,宝贝,说出来就行了!"Just say wht you hear Mommy say. sweetie" the woman said.

不客气的,宝贝。睡个好觉,做个好梦。You are welcome, sweetie. Sleep tight and have a sweet dream.

当安妮称他为我亲爱的的时候,迪克高兴得羞红了脸。Dick blushes with pleasure, when Annie calls him her sweetie pie.

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“你好,亲爱的,”进门时梅布尔拥抱我说。"Hello, sweetie pie, " Mable said, and embraced me when I entered.

请别称呼我“亲爱的”,干脆一点把那该死的甜甜圈拿给我。Or please don't call me sweetie and just hand me the darn doughnut.

您想要延长您的恋人送您的美丽玫瑰花的保鲜期?Want to prolong the life of those beautiful roses from you sweetie?

有时候,你的情人或迷恋你的人会猜想你是否在听他们说话。Sometimes your sweetie or crush could wonder ifyou're even listening.

有时候,你的情人或迷恋你的人会猜想你是否在听他们说话。Sometimes your sweetie or crush could wonder if you’re even listening.

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你很爱说,但也要让你的情人说上几句。You love to do the talking, but let your sweetie share some words, too.

在游玩公园之后我们饿了,然后我们找到这家糕点店。We're hungry after strolling through the park and find this sweetie shop.

钻研新的新奇的性爱技巧,并与爱人一起实践。read up on a delicious new sexual technique, then practice on your sweetie.