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顺便说一句,德里克-罗斯真棒!Btw D. Rose is the real deal!

顺便说一下,我不怪中国。I don't blame the Chinese at all btw.

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顺便说一句请尽快传银行水单给我。BTW , Pls. fax your banks slip to me asap.

顺便说一句,她的手肘很可爱,也有点尖。She has really cute, little sharp elbows, btw.

珍妮佛前些日子刚过了40岁的生日。Jennifer just turned the big 4-0 the other day, btw.

珍妮佛前些日子刚过了40岁的生日。Jennifer just turned the big 4-0 the other day, btw.

顺便说一句——西点军校几乎已经完全受到印度安角的影响了。BTW – WestPoint is almost within the shadow of Indian Point.

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简?她是何方神圣啊?我还以为我是你最好的朋友。Jane? Who is this Jane BTW? I thought I was your best friend.

由此可见,智商和快乐成反比。Fig4. Therefore, should be inverse ratio btw IQ and happiness.

我的主账号是美服账号,其他三个账号为日服、欧服和港服。My main account is US and the other three are JPN , UK, and HK btw.

顺便说一下,谈到财富的转移,我一点都不怪中国人。Talk about a transfer of wealth! I don't blame the Chinese at all btw.

如果这个视频下雨时拍摄会更好看。The video would have been better filmed from the front of therain btw.

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顺便说下,你蹩脚的英语和对标点的乱用暴露了你是个中国小白。Your broken english and poor punctuation outs you as a chinese troll BTW.

你们会在影戏中透露多少战术方面的消息?会有几小我私人的视角?How much of the tactics is spoiled in the movie and the different POVs btw?

顺便说一下,我甚至重新注册了帐号以便测试雅虎问答,因为我以前的两个老帐号早就弄丢了。Btw. I even rejoined Yahoo to test Yahoo Answers again as I lost my two older accounts from years ago.

图2。所以,在中关村,你也可以看到很多衣着朴素的兄弟被制服人员追着跨越护栏的惊险场面。Fig2. So, the hot chase over the street partition btw the uniform and frugal-dressed vendors can be seen everyday.

硝基漆通常会等待24小时,珐琅漆需要2~3天,附带地说说丙烯酸非常相似硝基漆的干燥时间。I usually wait 24 hours for lacquers and 2-3 days for enamels acrylics are very similar to lacquers in their drying time btw.

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我相信这才是我在这个视频中看到的事情,顺便说下这会发生在任何一个社会中,并且某种程度上它也被法律所容许。I believe thats what we see in this video. BTW this could and does happen in any society, and to a certain degree its within the law too.

顺便说说,我曾经试图引入一种“印度斯坦语”的语言,但是遭到一大群说其他语言人们的抗议而失败。And btw – It was tried in the past to introduce a language called "Hindustani", but it failed due to a large number of protests from people who spoke other languages.

除了期待您访问很快,多多向您展示,新的通风口线是令人振奋的,顺便说一句,我伤心地听到诺玛当我看到你,我会告诉你的八卦。Apart from that look forward to you visiting soon, lots to show you, new air vent lines are exciting, BTW I was sad to hear about Norma I will tell you the gossip when I see you.