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不要试图自己减或者把弯曲的指甲挖出来。Do not try to cut or dig out the curving toenail.

上弯曲角度可在0-35度之间随意调节。On the curving angle may adjust at will between 0-35 degree.

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两臂弯曲时吸气,撑直时呼气。Two arms curving and inspiration, supporting and expiration.

对分数不会有任何的余地,没有余地。There is no curving of the grades, OK, no curving of the grades.

发明了一种新型曲面金属-电介质复合远场超分辨载流管。Inventing a curving far-field sub-diffraction-limit carrier pipe.

介绍角铁弯制圆弧的简易方法。This paper introduces a simple method of curving angle steel arc.

人的生命历程不能用单一的曲线来勾划。The human life journey cannot be charted by a single curving line.

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右曲球是一种带有带顺时针旋转,然后向右弯曲的击球。A slice is a curving shot from left to right with severe side spin.

莱特把古根海姆看作是“永不断裂的连绵曲线”。Wright envisaged the Guggenheim as “a curving wave that never breaks.”

四极磁铁在加速之余,我们也需要对粒子束进行调焦。In addition to just curving the beam, it is also necessary to focus it.

一条有条纹的嘎特小蛇正在草丛中蜿蜒的向罗拉游来。A striped garter snake came flowing and curving through the forest of grass.

他注视着我,也许是在怀疑着为什么我的唇瓣会弯起来,情不自禁地微笑着。He stared, maybe wondering why my lips were curving into an involuntary smile.

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这是公主打开房间窗子随手拍到的,曲径通幽。I made this photo when I opened the window, curving trail profounded the woods.

进一步,所述刷毛回转部分端头固定于刷板。Further, the end of the bristle curving portion is fixed on the brush substrate.

右臂向左上方弯曲,同时左膝抬向右肘。Right arm curving top left, simultaneously left knee lifting toward right elbow.

人的生命历程不能用单一的曲线来勾划。Says Mulish , The human life journey cannot be charted by a single curving line.

楼层之间通过旋转楼梯连接,空间内还点缀着一些盆栽阔叶植物。The levels are connected by a curving staircase and dotted with leafy pot plants.

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桥长共12米,使用水压机进行卷曲。This bridge has a length of 12 meters and the curving is using a hydraulic press.

阀芯与阀座或衬套卡死,阀杆弯曲等。Valve core and valve seat or bushing deactivation, valve lever curving and so on.

2009年时,河流已经改道了,没往北弯到1992年那个位置。In 2009, the river has changed course, not curving as far north as it did in 1992.