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禁止FAK颠倒这个作用。Inhibiting FAK reversed the effects.

水位计的抑制锈病和规模。Water gauge for inhibiting rust and scale.

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它通过抑制前列腺素的分泌来起作用。It does this by inhibiting prostaglandin production.

所有病人未发生呼吸抑制及苏醒延迟。None of them had respiration inhibiting and postponed wakening.

投加缓蚀剂是重要的防腐蚀措施。Corrosion inhibitor is one of the measures inhibiting corrosion.

楱子萃取液对炎症有抵制和增加肌肤弹性的作用。It has an inhibiting effect on inflammations and calms the skin.

快干型底漆,具有优异的防锈性能。Quick drying primer with excellent corrosion inhibiting properties.

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继而,左旋巴氯芬抑制场电位作用强于GABA。Baclofen was more effective in inhibiting field potentials than GABA.

抑制性的IGFBP-3让肽起一个更有力的作用。Inhibiting IGFBP-3 allowed the peptide to exert a more potent effect.

抑制PVR的关键就是抑制RPE细胞的增殖。The key point of blocking PVR is inhibiting the proliferation of RPE.

黄连对桂皮醛代谢具有抑制作用。C. chinensis shows inhibiting effect on the cinnamaldehyde metabolism.

我知道这半年来休一直都压抑得很难受。I understand this half year recess have been inhibiting very suffered.

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另外,RSP-R还可抑制大鼠红细胞氧化溶血程度。RSP-R can also inhibiting the hemolysis of mice red blood cell as well.

我们和其他研究人员发现Foxp3也可以抑制此蛋白。We and others have evidence that Foxp3 is also inhibiting that protein.

TFPI能通过其与组织因子的结合而抑制其作用。The TFPI is capable of binding to the TF thereby inhibiting its effects.

结论晚期氧化蛋白产物可抑制MPM诱导型一氧化氮的产生。Conclusion AOPP-BSA is capable of inhibiting inducible NO production in MPMs.

黄酮类化合物在抑制亚硝化反应中有着广泛的应用。Flavone compounds has a broad application in inhibiting nitrosamine reaction.

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抑制BCR-ABL酪氨酸激酶可有效抑制肿瘤生长。Inhibiting BCR-ABL tyrosine kinases can impede the growing progress of tumors.

问题是它也有可能会抑制组织修复,三个研究组对此展开了研究。But might it also be inhibiting tissue repair?Three teams set out to learn more.

黄药子对于动物饮用含小量硫氰酸钾所致的轻度甲状腺肿有治疗作用。Its decoction has varying inhibiting effect on fungi that cause skin infections.