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这里也有首页分配。There were also home assignments.

全部五份作业如下。All five assignments are listed below.

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我实际上真的有假作业。I actually did have pseudo assignments.

补习后,我少了做功课的时间。I have less time for school assignments.

你首先要处理哪些任务?What assignments should you tackle first?

本课程包括三篇短论作业。This course includes three essay assignments.

这些小磁铁代表了不同的作业。Small magnets represent different assignments.

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会后,“自己搞”给咱们下达了任务。After the assembly, you gave us we assignments.

会后,“公司”给我们下达了任务。After the assembly, they gave us our assignments.

麻省理工学院计算机科学数学作业六、七。Assignments of Mathematics for Computer Science 6-7.

学生家庭作业负担过重。Students are heavily burdened with home assignments.

未有夹附「诚信声明」的作业,老师将不予批阅。Assignments without the Statement will NOT be graded.

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老板不会给你布置内容明确的家庭作业。You're not going to get clear-cut homework assignments.

只是交作业成绩在下拉框。Only assignments submitted for grade go in the drop box.

你的期末成绩将依据作业成绩来评分。Your grade will be based entirely on homework assignments.

你们有没有什么特别难的作业吗?Have there been any tough assignments that you've had to do?

你们在课上有没有什么特殊的任务?Are there any special assignments that you've had in classes?

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时间估计和分配会在随后的会议中得到执行。Time estimates and assignments can come later in the meeting.

补习后,我的功课表现进步了。Tutorial class improves my performance in school assignments.

作业必须由四人一组来合作完成。You should work together on the assignments in groups of four.