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宽容是真爱之流露。Endurance is an expression of love.

绿色暗示着稳定性和耐性。Green suggests stability and endurance.

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他的挑衅是我不能忍受的。His provocation is beyond my endurance.

保持体型,锻炼毅力。and get in shape and build up endurance.

机翼的耐久度测试在此展开。Endurance of plane wings are tested here.

忍耐不需要其他的词语解释。Endurance does not need to be paraphrased.

爱情,就好像一场耐力赛。Love, it seems that endurance has a match.

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但是,于我,也是一次耐久性的实验。But, for me, it was also an endurance test.

不要把耐力赛当作冲刺来对待。Don't treat an endurance race like a sprint.

这种好处表现在持久力上。This benefits performance in endurance events.

中长跑是一项需要耐力的运动。Mid-long run is a movement that need endurance.

作一名护士需要有毅力和耐心。To be a nurse calls for endurance and patience.

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牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。The Gadfly 's endurance was failing him at last.

将米熬成粥,需要有足够的耐力。Rice porridge will need to have enough endurance.

他组织战争的经验是无与伦比的。The husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance.

洛克希德马丁作战服可增强力量和耐力。Lockheed Martin suit increases strength, endurance.

当AMP上升,耐力代谢很快。When AMP levels rise, the endurance circuit kicks in.

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该阿克哈-特克斯是马非凡的耐力。The Akhal-Tekes are horses of extraordinary endurance.

我知道你的行为,劳碌,忍耐I know your works,your toil,and your patient endurance.

其次,还要看看耐力板透明度高不高。Second, seeing endurance high transparency is not high.