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我应该说她没有持家的天性。I shouldn’t say she had the homemaking instinct.

直接去家政公司咨询!Go to homemaking company seeking advice directly!

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女孩子一般接受家务技能教育。Young girls were typically taught homemaking skills.

我的终极目标是拥有一家自己的家政公司。My ultimate goal is to open a homemaking company of my own.

许多女士仍然强调持家的重要。Many women still place emphasis on the importance of homemaking.

了解如何在这个自由轻松地删除视频剪辑上胶家政提示从台面。Learn how to easily remove glue from counter tops in this free video clip on homemaking tips.

了解如何在这个自由轻松地删除视频剪辑沙对家政提示从一个水壶。Learn how to easily remove sediment from a kettle in this free video clip on homemaking tips.

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了解如何清除在此免费视频剪辑家政提示从你的墙永久壶。Learn how to erase permanent maker from your walls in this free video clip on homemaking tips.

清教徒妇女期望能顺服自己的丈夫并专注于家务上。Puritan women expected to submit to their husbands and to focus on homemaking as their career.

阶段二的造家过程中,你将会与你的对友一起发堀造家的过程。In Step II Homemaking , you will explore a collaborative homemaking process with your partners.

而另一方面,有些妇女则认为做家务能使她们得到最大的满足。On the other hand, there are women who think that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.

了解如何轻松删除家政提示大蒜的气味从你的手在此免费视频剪辑。Learn how to easily remove garlic smells from your hands in this free video clip on homemaking tips.

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家政博主“我是懒妈妈”建议用包裹了铝箔纸的网球代替。Homemaking blogger I'm A Lazy Mom suggests wrapping a tennis ball in aluminium foil as an alternative.

最后,描述了家政服务系统中客户管理模块操作的一般流程。Finally, it describes the general operating process of the customer's management module in homemaking service system.

她认为,他们做家务活的技能将有助于他们在其它重要的方面受益。Years from now, she believes, their homemaking skills will help them 'score a few points with any significant others.'

1993年,她以自己的杂志为基础开办了一个每周半小时的家政节目,这是她迄今为止最成功的一次冒险。In 1993, she began a weekly half-hour homemaking program based on her magazine, which has been her most successful venture to date.

春节前夕,如果想找个家政人员帮忙,或许会惊讶于“小时”工紧俏。Spring Festival eve, if want to look for a homemaking personnel to help, meet probably open-eyed at " hour " labour is close spruce.

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像婚嫁、母婴、房产、汽车、教育、家政等生活需求,帮助老百姓找到满意、实惠的服务。Wait for life demand like marriage, Mu Ying, house property, car, education, homemaking , help common people finds satisfactory, substantial service.

年后,大量家政服务人员返城,极大缓解了春节期间用工荒现象。After year, a large number of homemaking serve personnel to return a city, great alleviated labor shortage appearance is used during the Spring Festival.

玛莎史都华一手建立起她的居家品味王国,从杂志到电视节目,她的名声无远弗届。Martha Stewart built an empire out of her exemplary homemaking skills. From her magazine to her wildly popular television show, Martha's success was boundless.