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我认为关于与生俱来的问题还有待商榷。I think the jury is out on the innateness question.

相对而言,我们在先天性频谱图上较容易看出一部分情感的位置。With some emotions, it is relatively easy to see where they are located on the innateness spectrum.

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西方人权论强调人权的天赋性,结果在一系列人权问题上陷入了混乱。The Western views on human right lay emphasis on its innateness. This has caused great confusion on this issue.

弘扬了众生平等、慈悲为怀等人类普世价值。The opera celebrates the universal principles of the equality of all life and the innateness of human compassion.

从东西方大学的历史来看,传统大学本然地具有世界性品格。Historically, traditional universities have a global character of the innateness in oriental and occidental countries.

进而从五态性格特征和遗传两个方面探讨禀赋与中风发病的相关性。Then in the five-state character characteristic and heredity, we explore the relation between Innateness and stroke. 3.

语言学能与认知、心理和生理因素相关联,与其它个体差异相比,语言学能具有遗传性与稳定性的特点。Language aptitude is related to cognitive, psychological and biological factors and has the traits of innateness and stability.

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最后以西方哲学唯理主义的思想传统作参照来看待乔姆斯基的语言天赋论,力图找出其提出这一理论的深层次思想根源。Thirdly, the deep ideological origin is found out of Chomsky's Innateness Hypothesis by tracing it back to the traditional western rationalism.

语言习得研究是验证语言学和语言学习理论的重要依据,也是探索人类心智的一个重要途径。One is represented by Noam Chomsky and his followers, who advocate rule-based Universal Grammar in linguistic study and language innateness hypothesis in language acquisition study.

德勒兹批判的主要论点是︰意向经验隐藏了思考的本具性预设,因此无法从学习和探索的角度彻底说明崭新思考形成。According to his critique, the intentional experience presupposes the innateness of thought, and therefore cannot account for how a new way of thinking is borne from learning and experiment.