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学习住居空间设计。To study residential space design.

现在是商业区和居民区。Commercial and residential right now.

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一种包月制住宅电话线。One Flat rate residential phone line.

我经常去学习必须住校的暑期课程。I often go on residential summer courses.

目前小区园林景观的现状I The current status of residential landscape

这里不算是居民区,It's not as much of a residential neighborhood

我们已经开到人家居民小区里了。Now we've entered a local residential quarter.

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第十七层全部为居住房。The seventeenth floor is entirely residential.

我来自伯克利住宿学院,然后I'm in Berkeley Residential College. And then I,

这里的一号楼是太古洋行大班住宅。Swire here is a large class residential building.

最好的住宅土地使用是综合收入的土地使用。Mixed-income-use is the best residential land-use.

那么多低才叫低密度住宅呢?So many low-low-density residential meant by this?

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郑州新区的高层住宅楼-空空如也Zhengzhou New District residential towers -- EMPTY

当时他们住在大学宿舍里。And they were a living in the residential colleges.

围绕这一平方米的住宅房。Surrounding this square were the residential rooms.

杏北新城区的交通十分便利。The traffic of the new residential zone is advanced.

住宅区街道两旁种上了银杏树。Many residential streets are lined with gingko trees.

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安养社会照顾-区域差异?Residential Social Care – Do Local Differences Matter?

我在我们住宅小区的花园里认养了一棵树。I adopted a tree in the garden of our residential area.

该大厦还将建设300个住宅公寓。The building will also host 300 residential apartments.