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昨夜又见到你那慈祥的笑颜了。Last night I again saw you smiling benignly.

曾佩琳先生的故事开始时足够仁慈了。Mr Zamperini's story starts out benignly enough.

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企业治理学的学生可能对此并不那么青睐。Students of corporate governance view them less benignly.

企业管理的研究者则没有那么乐观。Students of corporate governance view them less benignly.

此外,我们的英雄也会激励我们,只要我们对他们不只是崇拜而是良性嫉妒。Our heroes may well motivate us, then, as long as we don't just admire them but are benignly envious.

他们发现只有怀有良性嫉妒的人愿意多花钱购买他们所渴望拥有的商品。They found that only benignly envious people were willing to pay more for products that they coveted.

我们不能让权力像这样操作,听之任之,并观察到,即使它是目前使用的良性。We cannot allow a power like this to operate, unchecked and unobserved , even if it is currently used benignly.

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哈德丽则去了缅因州海边的一座木屋,试图重新拾起她的画笔。For Hadley, it means renting a benignly haunted, salt-soaked cottage off the Maine coast where she begins to paint again.

跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the b.

“强国家-强社会”模式,应该是建构中国国家与社会良性互动关系的正确选择。The "powerful state-powerful society" mode is the right choice to construct benignly interacting relationship between state and society.

跟那只疯疯癫癫的亲切生物不同,印度尼西亚的这只正牌医生鱼在尾巴附近有一片能伸缩的锋利骨片。Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.

而这些恼人的问题,所幸能籍由色彩予以修正,令空间与人的关系造成良性的互动。And these aggravating problems, be Ied hope can book is given by colour amend, the impact that makes space and person is caused interact benignly.

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不仅如此,他还认为,金融危机有助于祛除行业浮躁氛围,促进整个产业更加良性地发展。Not only such, he still thinks, financial crisis conduces to dispel industry blundering atmosphere, promote whole industry to develop more benignly.

这种教育改革是关涉我们后代的善意而亲切的鼓励,并且显然为我们这个时代的一些最伟大的思想家所赞同。It was an educational revolution that was well-meant , benignly inspired by concern for our children and apparently, endorsed by some of greatest minds of our age.

但我国上市公司外资并购在实践中还存在许多问题,需要妥善加以解决,才能促进其良性发展。But the foreign capitals acquiring listed company of our country still have a lot of problems in practice, and only when the problems be solved properly, it could develop benignly.

因此,确立制度公正,实行有效的制度公正实施机制,实现经济人与公正制度的良性契合,意义重大。So it is of great significance to establish institution to be just, implement effective mechanism of institutional justice, and realize economic people and just system to be agreed with benignly.

受中印关系的影响,未来中印在缅甸的合作竞争关系还存在很大的不确定性,中国需要尽一切可能使之获得良性的发展。Influenced by Sino-Indian relations, the future co-opetition relationship of China and India in Myanmar is still far from certainty. China needs to do everything possible to make it develop benignly.