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奥布里队夜晚的才能表示!Team Aubrey night of the talent show!

奥布里•德•戈瑞恰恰就是这样做的。One man who has done just that is Aubrey de Grey.

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沙棘小黄瓜补水面膜。Aubrey Sea Buckthorn &Cucumber with Ester-C Moisturizing Mask.

约翰·奥布里则将莎士比亚描述为一个乡村校长。John Aubrey reported that Shakespeare had been a country schoolmaster.

英国的老龄化研究学家奥布里·德格雷,宣称他找到了抵抗生理衰老的方法。Aubrey de Grey, British researcher on aging, claims he has drawn a roadmap to defeat biological aging.

托兰被奥布里的巨石阵理论迷住,但没有相信奥布里,并且写了自己的书。Toland was fascinated by Aubrey's Stonehenge theories, and wrote his own book, without crediting Aubrey.

在卡纳文勋爵死后六个月,其同父异母的兄弟,年仅42岁的奥布里·赫伯特也因败血症死亡。Lord Carnarvon's half-brother, Aubrey Herbert, 42, also died of blood poisoning six months after his sibling.

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我们在奥布里-麦克戴德身上看到了美国精神,他在伊拉克勇闯敌阵就出了三个战友。We see it in Staff Sgt. Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.

我们在奥布里·麦克戴德身上看到了美国精神,他在伊拉克勇闯敌阵救出了三个战友。We've seen it in Staff Sgt. Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.

我们在上士麦达德身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。We see it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.

如果奥布里德格雷的预测是正确的话,第一个能够活到150岁的人已经出生了。If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born.

如果奥布里•德•格雷的预测是正确的话,第一个能够活到150岁的人已经出生了。If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born.

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奥布里·德格雷是个有思想的人,他坚持向着改善人类生存基础的目标前进。Aubrey de Grey is a man of ideas, and he has set himself toward the goal of transforming the basis of what it means to be human.

更让人不可思议的是,奥布里•德格雷认为第一位能活1000岁的人可能在未来20年内就会出世。Even more incredibly, Aubrey De Grey believes that the first person to live for 1, 000 years will be born in the next two decades.

奥布里是首位涉及到史前巨石阵和其他德鲁伊教巨石纪念碑的现代作家,在十九世纪期间,一种误解发展出了一种对德鲁伊教的想法。Aubrey was the first modern writer to connect Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments with Druidry, a misconception that shaped ideas of Druidry during much of the 19th century.