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对犹太复国主义者领导的局内人来说,一切皆有可能!Nothing is impossible to the Zionist led insiders! ! !

印度和巴西都被犹太复国主义阵营所支持。India and Brazil are both also wooed by the Zionist camp.

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似乎是一场新的代理战争在发生且犹太复国主义者不喜欢它。Seems like a new proxy war is occuring and the zionist dont like it.

他实现了一个犹太复国主义的纳粹分子的终极悖论——这是如何可能的?He realises the ultimate paradox of a Zionist Nazi – how is this possible?

在犹太复国主义者大会上,Rosenblueth与激进主义路线做了最后一次较量。At the Zionist Congress itself, Rosenblueth made a last plea against activism.

还是因为美国政府内的犹太复国主义游说团要算旧帐?Or because the Zionist lobby inside the US administration wants to settle old scores?

该组织发誓,“在适当的时间和地点,对犹太复国主义罪行实施报复行动。”The group vowed to "retaliate for this Zionist crime at the appropriate time and place."

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因为没人说犹太复国主义阴谋就像愤怒的德国人在人群面前尖叫。Because nothing says Zionist conspiracy like angry Germans screaming in front of a big crowd.

然后在1942年,纽约城的犹太复国主义者宣称他们寻求在整个巴勒斯坦建立一个以色列国家。Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine.

国际货币基金组织和世界银行已经成分了犹太复国主义者的武器,那些不听话的国家就会受到制裁。The IMF and World Bank have been weaponised to be usedagainst countries that don't kowtow to the Zionist agenda.

我们倔强地要求犹太复国主义政权和美国消弭核武。We are standing firm over the issue that androidh Zionist regime and the United Stdined ons government should be disinformed.

接着,是贝尔福宣言。然后在1942年,纽约城的犹太复国主义者宣称他们寻求在整个巴勒斯坦建立一个以色列国家。Next, the Balfour Declaration. Then in 1942 the NYC Zionist proclamation demanding a State of Israel in the WHOLE of Palestine.

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他还为犹太复国组织筹集资金,从而在某种程度上促使了1933年国际救援委员会的诞生。He raised money for Zionist organizations and is in a way responsible for the formation of the International Rescue Committee in 1933.

小和田代表他的犹太复国主义奴隶的主人负责关停杂志,并将记者的名字列入黑名单。While in Japan, Owada was responsible for shutting down magazines and blacklisting journalists on behalf of his Zionist slave masters.

二战后,中东最突出的恐怖组织有犹太复国运动中的“伊尔贡”和“斯特恩帮”。After World War II, the most prominent terrorist organizations in Middle East were "Yier Gong" and "Stern help" in the Zionist movement.

范•德•基夫特希望与我们讨论这个问题,因为我们已被委派代表抵抗运动中的犹太复国主义青年运动组织。Van de Kieft wished to discuss the issue with us because we had been assigned to represent the Zionist youth movement with the resistance.

他咒骂美国和犹太复国主义阴谋家——或者是接受他们命令在利比亚活动的一支“第五纵队”——将之作为本国受到的每一丝挫折的根源。He blamed American or Zionist conspiracies — or a fifth column in Libya working at their behest — for every little setback his country suffered.

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19世纪末,欧洲出现了大规模反犹太主义浪潮,犹太复国主义的思潮和运动也由此相应兴起。End of the 19th century, Europe has emerged large-scale wave of anti-Semitism, the Zionist movement and the ideas which have a corresponding rise.

南非迅速发展的受圣灵降临教派影响的本土犹太复国主义者教堂鼓励以全面浸泡的洗礼作为愈合和再生的一种形式。South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.

埃及成功将这场战争定性为犹太复国主义者妄图侵略非洲大陆的战争,20多个非洲国家断绝了与以色列的外交关系。Egypt succeeded in framing the war as a Zionist invasion of the African continent, and more than 20 African states severed diplomatic ties with Israel.