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然后,橙红色玛瑙是给你的。Then red-orange Carnelian is for you.

漂亮!第一张图中刀鞘和柄上镶嵌的是玛瑙吗?Beautiful! Is the thing inlaid in the scabbard and handle carnelian ?

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那时我不再羡慕她了,因为我觉得如果这样,即使有千千万万个红玉戒指也不能使我幸福。I didn't envy her then, for I felt that millions of carnelian rings wouldn't have made me happy after that.

上有楼阁,亦以金、银、琉璃、玻璃、砗磲、赤珠、玛瑙而严饰之。Above are towers adorned with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, mother-of-pearl, red pearls, and carnelian.

看那坐着的,好像碧玉和红宝石。又有虹围着宝座,好像绿宝石。And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian . A rainbow resembling an emerald encircled the throne.

看那坐著的、像碧玉和红宝石.有虹围著宝座、像绿宝石。And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne.

圣甲虫由多种多样的材料例如玛瑙,天青石,玄武岩,石灰石,片岩,绿宝石,象牙,树脂,滑石和青铜做成。Scarabs were made from a wide variety of materials such as carnelian lapis lazuli basalt limestone schist turquoise ivory resin steatite and bronze.

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其他设计还包括覆叠裙及三骨裤,而枣红及深绿的短裙就为整个系列注入色彩。Plunging wrap dresses and cropped pants followed. Meanwhile , super-short dresses in carnelian red and midnight green injected an infusion of colour.

“坏男孩固然可恨,但在学校蒙受耻辱则更加令人难受,”艾美摇着脑袋说,似乎已经历尽沧桑,“苏茜·巴金斯今天戴着一枚精致的红玉戒指上学,我羡慕得不得了,恨不得也有一个。than anything bad boys can do, " said Amy, shaking her head, as if her experience of life had been a deep one. "Susie Perkins came to school today with a lovely red carnelian ring.

火星和金星的同时出现表明,你想把东西整洁有序地打包好,随身携带一块翡翠或玛瑙,会使你获得愉悦的心情“The presence of both Mars and Venus suggests you want to box everything into a neat, ordered, structured way but keeping a piece of jade or carnelian close will help you keep in touch with your fun side."