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85年南特敕令的废除是在这里宣布的。The revocation of the Edict of Nantes was signed here in '85.

如违反此规定并经查证属实者,撤销其所获准之入学资格。Violation of this regulation will result in the revocation of admission.

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理论上对赠与人撤销权制度的认识存在着极大的分歧。There are disputations about donator's right of revocation theoretically.

第六十一条代理合同的解除适用合同法的规定。Article 61 The revocation of agency contracts shall apply to contract laws.

蒙特塞拉特岛政府宣布吊销311家银行机构的从业许可证。The Montserrat government announced its revocation of 311 banking licences.

吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation.

其次,指出任意撤销权存在的立法缺陷。Secondly, the author points out the legislative deficiencies of the right of revocation.

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最后,熟悉证书撤销列表和更新它们的流程。Finally, get familiar with certificate revocation lists and the process for updating them.

不过,这个对象缺少运行时角色分配和撤销所需的方法。However, this object lacks the methods needed for run-time role assignment and revocation.

废止或断绝代理,可以明示或暗示处理。The revocation or renunciation of an agency may be made expressly or impliedly by conduct.

可以根据证书撤销列表检查服务器的证书,这一点是可选的。The Server's certificate might be optionally checked against a Certificate Revocation List.

另可在按钮的提示框上动态显示撤销或返回的具体信息。Another button in the boxes dynamic display to return to the revocation or specific information.

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第二十六条证券公司的债权债务关系不因其被撤销而变化。Article 26 The credit and debt of the securities firm will not change because of the revocation.

五其他为防止或除去对公益之重大危害者。Where revocation is intended to prevent or eliminate material detriments to the public interest.

撤销权的行使范围以债权人的债权为限。The right of revocation shall be exercised within the scope of the creditor's right of the obligee.

唯一一种有效的方法证书撤销列表也位于队列管理器之外。The one thing that can help, the certificate revocation list, is also external to the queue manager.

在此基础上,提出了一种基于单向散列链的证书撤销机制。According to such discussion, a new certificate revocation scheme based on one-way hash chain is pre.

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撤销假释是对假释犯不遵守假释条件的惩罚方式之一。Parole revocation is one of the punishments on a parolee who fails to abide by the conditions of parole.

法律、法规和规章另有规定的,其撤销效力可以自撤销之日发生。If laws, regulations or rules provide otherwise, revocation may be effective from the date of revocation.

从性质上而言,税收撤销权是税务机关享有的一项附属于公法债权的请求性权力。From the nature, the tax is the tax authority has revocation of an attached to the request of public debt.