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那你们学了以后,可以把中国武术的精神传播得更广。It also can disseminate the knowledge, the culture and so on.

收集和传播手工钻石开采的信息。To gather and disseminate information on artisanal diamond mining.

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水稻纹枯病属于中心式传播型。Rice sheath blight were central disseminate pattern diseases in field.

“这是一个创造和传播信息的伟大的平台,”他说。"It's a great platform to generate and disseminate information, " he said.

让我们一起摘星去,将真理,和平,公平和欢笑布满人间。Let us go to pick stars, and disseminate truth, peace, justice and joy to the world.

法院作为国家的审判机关,是传播法律信息的重要主体。As the country's judicial organ, the Court is an important subject to disseminate law.

他们也能参与宣导活动,向大众传播有用的资讯。They could also take part in programs to disseminate information and to foster outreach to the public.

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新闻道德的基本原则是,记者绝不应蓄意传播不实的消息。And it is a basic tenet of ethical journalism that no reporter wants knowingly to disseminate an untruth.

有责任支持PMP的职业行为准则并向其他PMI认证者传播。Responsibility to support and disseminate the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to other PMI certificates.

政府公布的无音视频,因为它不希望传播恐怖信息。The government released the video without sound because it did not want to disseminate a terrorist message.

它还提供旨在帮助国家传播投资机会信息的技术援助。It also provides technical assistance to help countries disseminate information on investment opportunities.

经侦部门有必要加强司法会计知识的普及,并逐步实现司法会计技术的专门化。It is necessary for the department of economic investigation to disseminate knowledge of judicial accounting.

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让编印了美丽的彩虹继续下去,让我继续传播幸福的光辉照耀!Lett printed a beautiful rainbow continue, let me continue to disseminate the happiness of a brilliant shine!

不过为了推销自己的作品,他使用了那个年代革命性的技术,印刷术。To disseminate his own books, though, Trithemius used the revolutionary technology of the day, the printing press.

您认为像中国这样的发展中国家会出现大量的知识型企业吗?KM offers a mechanism to create new ideas and to disseminate them around a firm or country. This will drow in china.

有关部门应当积极宣传和推广蜜蜂授粉农艺措施。The relevant departments shall proactively disseminate and promote the agronomic techniques of honeybee pollination.

我计划建立一个全球卫生观察站,收集、比较和散发有关重点卫生问题的资料。I want to establish a global health observatory to collect, collate and disseminate data on priority health problems.

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世卫组织还在搜集有关地震对卫生影响的数据,供其他人道主义援助提供者使用。WHO is also collecting data on the health impact of the earthquake to disseminate to other humanitarian aid providers.

老一代卫道士控制着“科学共同体”,用它来传播他们对付青年反叛分子的宣传战。The old guard controls the establishment and will use it to disseminate propaganda in their war against the young rebels.

慈济则要在世间用心广布善法,引导人人向善、就轨道。Tzu Chi's goal is to disseminate the seeds of goodness and guide people towards a world built with compassion and virtue.