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你们发现这挺幽默的。Now, you get geek humor.

我们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷。The engineer in my office is a real geek.

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否则,它就有点呆板了。If not, it's sort of become a geek classic.

我,可能你已经注意到了,是苹果公司的一个怪胎。I am, as you may have noticed, an Apple geek.

首先,极客的定义已经发生了改变。First of all, the definition of geek has changed.

在我小的时候,极客就相当于怪胎,被人叫做极客,那是奇耻大辱。When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek.

极客要怎样淘到价格合理的宝贝?So what’s a geek to do to find reasonably priced trinkets?

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普通人也许会把IT视为极客之家。The average person may envision IT as the home of the geek.

“怪咖”是在马戏团中把动物的头要下来的人。"Geek" is the circus guy who bites the head off of live animals.

或者您可能刚好是一名数学怪才并且需要一些数字。Or maybe you might just be a math geek and you want some numbers.

接下来,他们会在当地职员中征集计算机极客的协助。Next, they enlist the assistance of the local computer geek on staff.

我以为你以前都一直觉得他是全地球上最土的人。I imagine you employed to imagine he am the biggest geek in the state.

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是什么让极客一族的老妈们从传统的妈妈堆里脱颖而出的?What is it that sets a Geek Mom apart from the mundane mass of mothers?

一种男孩怪才的亚文化已经围绕充满暴力的游戏萌生了。A boy geek subculture has grown up around gaming that involves violence.

我问他有没有觉得要为当下刮起的极客风付上点责任?Does he feel responsible for perpetrating the new supremacy of the geek?

让位吧,高中橄榄球队四分卫,现在城里的新派酷哥是“极客”。Move over, high school quarterback. The geek is the new cool kid in town.

你在你的博客中用“书呆子”这个词,但你的书叫“做个怪咖”。You use the term "nerd" on your blog, but your book is titled Being Geek.

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对于莱特来说,制作游戏的过程也是扮演弗兰肯斯泰因过程。For Wright, playing geek Frankenstein goes hand in hand with making games.

那么,为了更好地运作未来的信息技术部门,这些“新极客”需要具备什么技能呢?So what does the "new geek" need to know to run tomorrow's I.T. Department?

在每个对书呆子绘声绘色的定义中,你都能找到怪咖的影子。For every great definition of nerd, you can find the same definition of geek.