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请把本房间启封。Please unseal this room.

我请求你打开保税仓库。I ask you to unseal the bonded store.

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1961年毕业于开封工学院机械系。Was graduated from 1961 unseal engineering college machinery is.

嘿,你和我同样知道,计划无法实施,除非我们开启那扇门。I do that The Plan ain't going anywhere until we unseal that gate.

他们还要求法官开封文件,这样他们就可以证明他们的案件。They also requested the judge unseal documents so they can prove their case.

若干年后,如果有机会,我们在打开这封信来看,好吗?Years later, if we have chance, we should come back and unseal it to read them, all right?

相同温度下,密封贮藏的肉制品中亚硝酸盐含量比不密封的低。In the same temperature, the content in products stored in seal were lower than that of unseal.

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袁金昌与开封六子结成好友,利用现代知识屡破奇案。Yuan Jinchang and unseal 6 child form a good friend, use contemporary knowledge to break strange record repeatedly.

通过这样的小小运动,一定能够激发宝宝手里的智慧,开启他的智慧之门。Through this activity, you are sure to stimulate the intelligence of baby in his palm, and unseal the door of wisdom.

焊膏从冰箱取出时,应放置4小时直至回复室温。解冻不开封在常温下可放置时间24小时。Leave solder paste for 4 hours at room temperature before use. Unseal solder paste be stored 24 hours in room temperature.

历任开封空分设备厂技术员、工程师、副厂长。Have successively held the posts of unseal technician of plant of empty cent facility, engineer, assistant factory director.

他进入其中一台,检查支臂上的触手状态正常后,用它的支臂将通往深渊的门开启。He got into one, checked that the claws on its limbs were in good function, and used its arm to unseal the door into the Pits.

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表面上看我们不能交谈,不能听收音机也不能看电视,一直到您看了我们一年以后,我们才会出来。We seemingly shall not converse, listen to the radio or watch television, until— after you have viewed them for one year— we unseal our images.

是开封古城历史风貌的典型街道,也是唯一一条没有进行大拆大建的历史老街。It is to unseal the model of scene of ancient city history is street, also be exclusive an old without the history that has tearing open a lunar month of 30 days greatly street.

“学案”是教师为开启学生的智能,发展学生的能力而设计的由学生直接参与、教师引导下完成的一系列问题探索、要点强化等全程学习活动的案例。To unseal and develop students' capacity, teachers design series of examples to discover problem and strengthen important assure, which are directed by teachers and completed by students.