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决斗者不能穿任何铠甲,只能希一条裹腰布。They're allowed no armor, only a loincloth.

我被一个穿著裹腰布的会飞的野人救了!I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth !

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这位勇士头戴饰物,身上戴着红色缠腰带。The warrior wears a head dress and a red loincloth.

他带着一副尖尖的面具,裹着一条兽皮的缠腰带。He wears a pointy mask and an animal-skin loincloth.

今天是美国国旗纪念日,所以偶用美国国旗作为腰带。Today's Flag Day, so my loincloth is an American flag.

有些良好的细节,比如遮羞布上个格子,喇叭和趾指甲。Some good details, like the checks on the loincloth , horns and toe-nails.

从外表看,老人很像圣雄甘地——如果去掉腰带,穿上靴子的话。In appearance he resembled Mahatma Gandhi—minus the loincloth , plus orthopedic boots.

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你必须探索荒野发现水,食物和隐蔽所。Starting with only a loincloth , you must explore the wilderness to find water, food and shelter.

兰屿男性的传统服饰包括一顶钢盔,一件背心,和一条丁字裤。The traditional garb of the men of Orchid Island includes a metal helmet, a vest, and a loincloth.

他真的说大多数西方人相信为了灵性他们应该像拉马那那样只穿一件遮羞布生活。He literally said that most Westeners believe they have to live like Ramana in a loincloth to be spiritual.

仪式完成了,门徒从古鲁那里得到一条缠腰带和一件赭色的僧袍,象征着他的新生命。The rites completed, the disciple received from the guru the loincloth and ochre robe, the emblems of his new life.

车站里还流传着不少闹鬼的传说。一个束着腰带戴着头巾的古埃及女鬼常出没于此。There are many legends about the station being haunted by the ghost of an ancient Egyptian woman dressed in a loincloth and headdress.

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26岁的马修·努刚巴开启他的时尚事业,努力将在东非极为常见的传统基坦卡纹样腰布赋予现代化意味。Twenty-six-year-old Matthew Rugamba got his start in fashion trying to modernize the traditional "kitenge" loincloth common across East Africa.

莱利维尔德也粉碎了这个裹着缠腰布的身材瘦小的勇敢老人打败强大帝国,这个引人入胜的神话,并被理查德·阿滕伯勒的纪实电影所佐证。Lelyveld also shatters the attractive myth, burnished by Richard Attenborough’s bio-pic, of the brave little man in a loincloth bringing down a mighty empire.

巴拉克说,当迪斯尼动画片“泰山”发行时,影片中泰山的缠腰布就在犹太教民中引发了不小的骚动,理由是他们认为这条缠腰布具有挑逗性。When the animated Disney movie \\\"Tarzan\\\" was released here, Tarzan\\\\\\\'s loincloth created an uproar among religious Jews who found it provocative, Barak said.

然而,世界各地的人,政府代表,达官显贵,今天在此集会,向这个缠腰布裹着的棕色小个子,这个引领他的民族走向自由的小个子,表达最后的敬意。Yet men, governments, dignitaries from all over the world, have joined hands today to pay homage to this little brown man in the loincloth who led his country to freedom.