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蝙蝠是靠回声定位法来导航的。Most bats navigate by echolocation.

“回声定位法”能自创影像。Echolocation creates its own images.

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这件衣服的设计灵感源自蝙蝠的回声定位系统。The inspiration for the garment is the bat's echolocation system.

大部分回波定位的声音都超出了人耳能接收的频率。Much of that echolocation sound is beyond the range of the human ear.

有一个种具有回声定位器官,类似于现代的海豚。One species had an echolocation organ, similar to that of modern dolphins.

宽吻海豚通过专用的回声定位系统来跟踪猎物。Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through the expert use of echolocation.

有些盲人已经掌握了通过超声定位来感知周围环境的技能。A few blind people have mastered echolocation in order to sense their surroundings.

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这种奇特的狐猴生活在马达加斯加东部地区,它们是拥有回升定位能力的哺乳动物。The Aye-Aye is a native of eastern Madagascar. It is the only mammal known to use echolocation.

鲸鱼和海豚靠回声定位系统来辨别方向。Whales and dolphins rely on their responsive hearing to interpret returning echolocation clicks.

这种技术叫做回声定位,很多生物,特别是蝙蝠和海豚,都藉由这种技术来去自如。The technique is called echolocation , and many species, most notably bats and dolphins, use it to get around.

这些回声人类是听不到的,但对蝙蝠来说,却是真正的“如雷贯耳”。Much of that echolocation sound is beyond the range of the human ear. But to bats, it's as loud as a jet airplane.

它们吃小鱼,有时还吃乌贼,螃蟹,章鱼或其它类似的通过回声定位能力能找到的东西。They eat small fish, sometimes squid, crabs, octopuses or similar small animals that are searched by echolocation ?

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虎鲸也被叫做逆戟鲸,这些海洋中的哺乳动物经常使用回声定位能力去捕食,它们的食物通常是鱼类和鱿鱼。Also known as orcas, these marine mammals often use echolocation to find their prey, which usually consists of fish and squid.

哨声被认为是识别的声音,就像名字一样,而咔嚓声则是用来导航和回波定位寻找猎物。Whistles are thought to be identification sounds, like names, while clicks are used to navigate and to find prey with echolocation.

利用回声定位“察看”的详细程度不仅取决于嗒嗒声的速度,他说,还与它的频率有关。Howmuch detail a person can "see" with echolocation depends not only onthe speed of their clicks, he said, but also on the frequency.

我们认为,当平滑河流生境水面上空足够开阔时,两岸植被对其声波结构无影响。We suggested that riparian vegetation wasn't an uninfluenced factor to the echolocation when the smooth river habitat was open enough.

科学家然后开始记录,之后电脑分析出结果。The scientists then recorded, and later computer analyzed, the echolocation calls emitted by the bats in response to the dangling mealworms.

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研究了菲菊头蝠自由飞行状态下的回声定位信号和下丘神经元的声反应特性。We studied the echolocation calls and acoustic response properties in the inferior colliculus of the least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pusillus.

在约900种蝙蝠中,一半以上依靠回一定位法探测飞行中的障碍物,寻找回巢的路线和用作食物的饲料。Of the some 900 species of bats, more than half rely on echolocation to detect obstacles in flight, find their way into roosts , and forage for food.

研究了飞行状态下的四种菊头蝠回声定位声波的识别方法。The identification method of the echolocation calls from four species of Rhinolophus in flight was studied based on the wavelet packet decomposition.