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艾莉斯,你的关岛之旅怎么样?How was your vacation to Guam , Alice?

昨夜,日本人进攻了威克岛。Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.

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关岛是在西班牙战争之后,1898年割让给美国的。Guam was ceded to the US in 1898 after the US-Spanish War.

波多黎各是西班牙战争后美国在1898年获得的。Guam was ceded to the US in 1898 after the US-Spanish War.

留心一下位于关岛西面的名叫马里亚纳海沟的深海谷地。Consider the abyssal valley called the Marianas Trench, lying west of Guam.

目前,香蕉束顶病毒是发现,只有在密克罗尼西亚关岛和夏威夷群岛。Currently, BBTV is found only on Guam in Micronesia and the Hawaiian islands.

“海军控制着关岛和整个航母舰队,”涅米继续说道。The Navy rolls through Guam with an entire carrier group, " Niemi continues."

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西太平洋上的关岛在星期六举行了民主党党团大会。The western Pacific island of Guam held Democratic Party caucuses on Saturday.

意识到人口移入关岛已造成土著查莫罗人成为自己家园的少数民族。Guam has resulted in the indigenous Chamorros becoming a minority in their homeland.

甚至连太平洋关岛上的音乐爱好者也加入到全球范围的爵士音乐节中。Even music lovers on the Pacific island of Guam are joining in the worldwide jazz party.

同时,美国也一直在加强其在关岛部署的海空军力量。The United States has also been upgrading forward deployed naval and air forces in Guam.

他曾在马绍尔和关岛战斗过,受过两次伤,获得过一枚银星勋章。He fought in the Marshalls and at Guam , was twice wounded, and had received a Silver Star.

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他来自关岛,但他的父母都出生于韩国,他的韩语也很流利。He's, he's from Guam though, but both of his parents are born in Korea and he speaks fluent Korean.

注意,该文章说二炮不具备可以到达关岛的常规弹道导弹射程能力。Note that the article says 2nd Arty has no conventional ballistic missile capable of reaching Guam.

关岛暂时把国家A队遗忘而全力集中在青少年发展计划。Currently, Guam has decided to 'forget' about its national 'A' team and instead focus on youth development.

而在积极的一面,关岛今年早些时候赢得了其历史上首场获得国际足联批准的比赛,它以1比0打败了蒙古。On the bright side, Guam won its first ever FIFA-sanctioned match earlier this year, beating Mongolia, 1-0.

和关岛及其附近岛屿的居民发生冲突。妨碍了他们获得船只供给。Conflicts with the people of Guam and the nearby islands prevented Magellan from fully resupplying his ships.

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日本景象厅称,安宁洋岛屿关岛海域本日产生7.1级强地动。A strong earthquake measuring 7.1 hit the Pacific island of Guam on Sunday, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

捷星航空称,该飞机机龄才两年,在起火原因未查明前将留在关岛。The aircraft was only 2 years old and will be held in Guam until the cause of the fire is established, Jetstar said.

这些国家包括帛琉、密克罗尼西亚联邦、马绍尔群岛、关岛以及北马里亚纳群岛。They include Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.