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在他的胜利,是平定安息了。After his victory, Parthia was pacified again.

此外,战争威胁着帕提亚和不列颠。Furthermore, war threatened in Parthia and Britain.

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帕提亚的高贵国王派了一支部队来帮助我们。The noble king of Parthia has sent an army to our aid.

在接下来的两个世纪,是安息的阿契美尼德帝国。For the next two centuries, Parthia was part of the Achaemenid empire.

在你的东方是黑海,黑海的另一边是富饶的帕提亚王国。To the east lies the Black Sea, and beyond that the rich lands of Parthia.

在公元前一世纪,帕提亚是分散的,受到领地的贵族统治。By the first century BC, Parthia was decentralized, ruled by feudal nobles.

我们是十五军团的士兵,我们与帕提亚王奋战,我们攻下都城,但仅占领极短时间。We are soldiers of the 15th Legion. We've been at the war against the king of Parthia. We took the capital city but held it only a short time.

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安东尼计划东征帕提亚帝国,他意识到只有埃及能够为他提供充足的金钱和补给。While planning a campaign against Parthia in the east, Antony realizes he needs money and supplies, and cannot get enough from anywhere but Egypt.

公元前116年,罗马皇帝图拉真首先进入帕提亚,直达泰锡封,在一天时间内刚好到了中国人的边界要塞,但没有所知道的直接接触。In 116 CE, the Roman Emperor Trajan advanced into Parthia to Ctesiphon and came within one day's march of the Chinese border garrisons , but no direct contacts are known.

国王安条克三世的军事领导能力使帕提亚凌驾在波斯之上,但他的继承者却恐惧罗马帝国的萌芽。古罗马军团开始攻击这个王国。King Antiochus III's military leadership kept Parthia from overrunning Persia itself, but his successes alarmed the burgeoning Roman Empire. Roman legions began to attack the kingdom.