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她穿着平平常常的衣服。She was wearing nondescript clothes.

你拥有了一只无以名状的相机保护包!You've got a protective yet nondescript camera bag!

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风景就是对面街那不可名状的建筑物。The view is of the nondescript building across the street.

不顾这些,其余的中央形状是不伦不类。Ignoring those, the remaining central shape is nondescript.

它需要继承提要的语言上下文,否则不具备描述性。It inherits the language context of feed and is otherwise nondescript.

他们上罗马一家无名又无害的地下室糕饼店去。A small, innocuous bakery hidden in a basement in a nondescript district in Rome.

咀嚼时,有偶发的、暂时的、不可言状的疼痛或敏感。There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.

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在这么宝贵的土地上,如果建出不伦不类的房子来,不知会有多少人指脊梁骨。In so valuable land, if built a nondescript house, I wonder how many people that backbone.

正在进行这项异想天开使命的插画家是一位戴眼镜、穿防水夹克、文静且不起眼的一般男子。The artist on this quixotic mission is a quiet, nondescript man with glasses and an anorak.

一小幅哈尔斯自画像的复制品可显示他本人长长相很普通。One is a small copy of a self-portrait that indicates that Hals himself was rather nondescript.

白天它只不过是个位于牙买加北部海岸不起眼的湾景,但到了晚上,却成了大自然无以名状的奇迹。By day, it is a nondescript bay on the country's northern coast. By night, it is a marvel of nature.

他表示,在此之前,惠普笔记本基本上只是"装在毫无特点盒子里的科技产品"。Prior to that, HP notebooks were essentially "technology in kind of a nondescript container," he said.

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皮卡迪里广场四周的建筑物不甚起眼,尽管其中有一些看上去高大而气势恢宏。The building around the Cirus are rather nondescript , though some of them are large and quite imposing.

你走进一幢没啥特征的房子,发现自己置身于一个黑漆漆的庭院里,放眼望去没有一张餐桌。You then enter a nondescript building and find yourself in a darkened courtyard with no tables in sight.

他告诉记者,中式别墅有些不伦不类,与现代人的生活形态并不相符。He told reporters that some nondescript Chinese style villa with modern living patterns are not consistent.

行李连续不断地从佛罗伦斯无所不闻的鼻子下通过,其中有一个毫不起眼的硬皮手提箱。Among the cavalcade of luggage passing beneath Florence's all-smelling nose is a nondescript hardback suitcase.

白鼬山处于奥特里-圣卡奇波尔村的后面,除了到处都是垃圾,它并没有什么特别的地方。Located outside Ottery St. Catchpole, this is a nondescript hill with a few pieces of trash littered around it.

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否则,完美的简约主义会随之走样,造成不伦不类的结局。Otherwise, perfect contracted creed is met subsequently go out of form, create the final result of the nondescript.

穿过迷雾,我有时看到破烂的房屋上插着红旗,还有不知其所以然的开发。Through the haze I picked out the occasional red flag among rather ramshackle housing and nondescript developments.

在同一个场景里,那个12帧的咆哮万帕特写镜头仅仅是在无明显特征的天空下拍摄的木偶。The 12-frame long close up of the roaring wampa in that same scene is just a puppet, shot against a nondescript sky.