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偶总是迟钝的适应这个社会。I always adaption this society slowly.

适应能力是生物的首要生存技能。Adaption is the number one skill of living organisms.

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抗枯萎病能力强,耐重茬,耐旱,适应广。Resistant to blight, tolerate to re-plant and drought. Wide adaption.

从而满足生理、心理、社会适应等方而的健康需求。So satisfies physiology, psychology, social adaption of the old ages.

流行服装内在化,以迎合标准化社会的期望。Internalisation of popular dress-code, adaption to social-normative expections.

基于解决方案的网格自适应可用于进一步提高预测的准确性。Solution-based mesh adaption can be used to further improve prediction accuracy.

因此,适应和共生是漓江流域的文化底蕴之一。Therefore, adaption and co-existence is one of culture implications in Li River.

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试验结果表明,该系统具有良好的控制效果和自适应能力。Experiment results show that the system is of good control and adaption abilities.

当代中篇小说和电影改编之间的历史关系几历浮沉。Modem novelettes have experieced some ups and downs in their adaption into movies.

唐冶遗址出土农作物均为旱地作物,没有发现稻谷,可能与西周以来气候趋于干冷有关。The crop patterns might be a result of adaption to the dry and cold climate at that time.

实测结果表明驾驶员的暗适应时间有较显著的差异。The experimental results indicate the dark adaption time of drivers has great difference.

该框架是一个三层结构,包括防御层、免疫层和适应层。It is a three-layered framework composed of defense layer, immune layer, and adaption layer.

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本文拟从民法适用的角度对共同抵押权制度进行解析和构建。The thesis analyzes and construes joint mortgage institution in terms of civil law adaption.

在海绵城市设计中,对城市宜居性的提升应与对气候的适应并重。Improved livability and climate adaption should go hand in hand when designing sponge cities.

这本书受著作权保护,未经作者许可,不得擅自改编。This book is copyright protected so no adaption should be made without the writer's permission.

电视剧改编的成功,给柳晨枫带来更高的知名度,也让她对写作变得更加自信。The success of the TV adaption has brought Liu greater popularity and more confidence in her writing.

法律概念被认为是使法律在司法方面适应社会变革的一个障碍。Legal conceptualism has been regarded as an obstacle to the judical adaption of the law to social change.

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该模型克服了现有工作流模型如基于有向图工作流模型对系统变化适应性不足的问题。The model enhances the adaption of the existing workflow model based on directed graph as the system changes.

本实验结果为谢氏宽漠王在极端的沙漠环境胁迫下的抗逆适应性研究提供了理论基础。The present results provide new insights into adaption mechanisms of M. semenowi to extreme environment stress.

蓝牙3.0根据802.11适配层协议应用了Wi-Fi技术,极大提高了传输速度。One of the ways Bluetooth 3.0 will speed up transfers is by utilizing Wi-Fi via an 802.11 Protocol Adaption Layer.