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吉米从躺在床上。He lay supine on his bed.

上体后倒成半仰卧。After his fall into half supine.

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患者取仰卧位。Patients were maintained at supine position.

午睡姿势宜平躺仰卧或侧卧为佳。Nap position to be lying in the supine or lateral.

先让孩子躺平,平卧头向一侧歪斜。Put the kids to lie flat, supine head to the side of the skew.

我畅仰人生的价值,尽我所能谱写生命的历史。My smooth supine life value, my power spectrumwrites the life the history.

而除了一小部分总部设在莫斯科的报纸之外,媒体大都无所作为。And, apart from a few Moscow-based newspapers, the media are mostly supine.

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仰脖朝天唠嗨嗑,都说自己是大哥。My supine slowly-rotating Lao hi teeth, all say oneself is the big brother.

准备好必要的器具后。患者处平卧位,头颈部保持中线位。Place the patient in a supine position with the neck in a neutral position.

结果仰卧位低血压患者均得到有效预防及控制。Results Supine hypotensive patients were with effective prevention and control.

由一群没有头脑的食人族统治的国会,眼下正对着一位消极的总统大块朵颐。A Congress dominated by mindless cannibals is now feasting on a supine president.

卧位酸反流与食管黏膜损伤的发生及其严重程度有关。Supine reflux is in relation to the development and severity of esophageal injury.

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患者取仰卧位,磨挫置于股骨干的前方。With the patient in the supine position, the reamers are introduced over the anterior femoral shaft.

方法病人需适度充盈膀胱,平卧于检查床上,行下腹部超声检查。Methods The patient was detected with lower abdomen with proper filling of bladder at supine position.

仰卧盘骨倾斜运动对激发盘骨及减少腰椎疼痛有很好的作用。The supine pelvic tilt is a great exercise for "awakening" the pelvis, reducing pain in the lumbar spine.

如需将病人移至仰卧位,可采用滚木手法以保持脊柱完整。If the client must be moved to the supine position, use the log-rolling technique to maintain spinal integrity.

儿童鼾症发生的主要危险因素有父母打鼾、腺样体肥大、仰卧睡眠、肥胖。The high-risk factors of child snoring were snoring of parents, adenoidal hypertrophy, supine sleep and obesity.

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它往往发生在仰卧位,并公开向病人的未消化食物吸入的危险。It occurs more often in the supine position, and exposes the patients to the risk of aspiration of undigested food.

有时在动态退行性椎体滑移时,标准的仰卧位放射检查或者MRI检查可能无法发现椎体滑移。Sometimes, in a case of dynamic DS the vertebral slipping cannot be seen on the standard supine radiographs or MRI.

仰卧位固定兔子,轴位和矢状位扫描双侧腘窝淋巴结。The rabbits were in the supine position when the popliteal lymph nodes were scanned in the axial and sagittal planes.