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对于我来说,人物各性化是小说的中心内容。For me, characterisation is at the heart of my books.

情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray's acute eye for social detail.

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情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray’s acute eye for social detail.

本文描述了蛋白质负载的海藻糖的制造与特点。This publication describes the manufacturing and characterisation of protein loaded trehalose.

使用压力方式或者速度方式的压痕对油漆涂层的机械性能进行测量的方法。Mechanical Characterisation of Paint Coatings Using an Indenter with Force or Velocity Measurement!

股价波动的数理基础已成为热点课题。The mathematical characterisation of stock market movements has been a subject of intense interest.

伊莎贝尔象一个冷若冰霜的证人,丝毫不理睬杜歇夫人对客人的评论。Isabel, as a dispassionate witness, had not been struck with the force of Mrs. Touchett's characterisation of heR visitor.

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那正是自1991年这个国家重获独立以来,立陶宛令人沮丧的政治的一个概貌。That is a crude characterisation of Lithuania’s dispiriting politics ever since the country regained its independence in 1991.

若以此形容来自遭遇危机的拉脱维亚的新近消息,可能有些许不公,但这几乎就是局外人的观点。That may be an unfair characterisation of the recent news from crisis-stricken Latvia, but it is pretty much how outsiders see it.

给出有关离子交换铒掺杂磷酸盐玻璃波导的制备以及发光特性的基本结果。Preliminary results on characterisation of optical waveguides fabricated in Er doped phosphate glasses by ion exchange are presented.

本文介绍了新型抗菌聚丙烯腈纤维的生产工艺、纤维表征和抗菌性能。This article reports the production process, fiber characterisation and antibacterial evalution of this new antibacterial acrylic fiber.

为了确定最佳的钻探点,研究小组首先要确定详细的冰河湖的地貌。To locate the optimal drill site, the team had to conduct the first detailed characterisation of the physiography of a sub-glacial lake.

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你对于儒教的描述以及你同时作出的有如天启一般浮夸的中国预言就像一副卡通画。Your characterisation of Confucianism, with its simultaneous apocalyptic and grandiose predictions for China, is barely more than a cartoon.

通常的注意力应该注重音乐的表现和舞蹈特性的刻画,而不只是“走”和错误地只追求“力量”。General concentration should shift towards musical expression and characterisation rather than progression and a misconceived pursuit of power.

这里有地球环境所有方面的数据收集方法论专业技术,可以有效的帮助地球化学系统的研究。Expertise on data-gathering methodology over the full range of earth environments to enable characterisation of geochemical systems is available.

本实验对猪角膜是否适合作为人角膜的生物力学近似研究模型进行了评估。The suitability of porcine corneas as approximate models for human corneas in mechanical property characterisation studies is experimentally assessed.

有时,因为它不屑塑造人物和传达的无止境的恐惧,该剧似乎迫于其自身的妄自尊大而苦苦挣扎。Sometimes the play, with its disdain for characterisation and its endless catalogue of horrors, seems to be struggling under the weight of its own self-importance.

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心脏疾患是全球范围内的主要致死原因之一,而该疾病能否治疗成功的关键则在于对疾病准确的认识和诊断。Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. A significant component in the successful treatment of heart disease is accurate detection and characterisation.

介绍俄罗斯在贵金属单晶的制造、单晶性能以及有关铱单晶塑性等方面的研究状况。The paper reported on production of noble metal single crystals, characterisation of single crystals as well as examination of iridium for the plasticity, ete. in Russia.

最令人拍手称快的还是‘第三窗口’发行的日本电影,因为它把幽默古怪的日本另类文化传向了西方。Yet it is the label’s Japanese releases that prove to be the most consistently enjoyable as they generally convey cultural insight through offbeat humour and quirky characterisation.