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宇都宫清吉与冈崎文夫的研究风格不同。Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi Okazaki Fumio with the study of different styles.

其中应该提到的是冈崎文夫和宇都宫清吉。Which should be mentioned that Okazaki Fumio, and Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi.

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实业家冈崎嘉平太最令人艳羡,他“老朋友”的称号被提到过22次。Entrepreneur Kaheita Okazaki was most widely admired and mentioned 22 times.

冈崎文夫专攻隋唐以前的社会经济史。Okazaki Fumio specializing in the previous socioeconomic history of the Sui and Tang.

冈崎久彦是日本驻沙乌地阿拉伯与泰国的大使,现主持冈崎研究所的一个智库。Hisahiko Okazaki was Japanese ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Thailand. He now runs the Okazaki Institute, a think-tank.

“因此公司在日本掩盖召回的行为应不会导致海外的大型召回行动或诉讼,”冈崎先生说。"As such, there is very little chance that the recall cover up in Japan will lead to large recalls or lawsuits overseas, " said Mr Okazaki.

在日本的冈崎嘉平太寿辰时,国家领导人王震,以中日友好协会名誉主席的名义前往日本拜访了他。State leader Wang Zhen had visited Okazaki Kaheita on his birthday in Japan, in name of honorary Chairman of China-Japan Friendship Association.

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此外,菅直人还给予已卸任的日本国家公安委员长冈崎富子相当于民主党副代表的待遇。Moreover, Naoto Kan has given retiring chairman of Japan's national public security equivalent of Okazaki Tomiko Deputy Representative of the Democratic Party's treatment.

日本的冈崎慎司本田圭介拥抱庆祝后,他们在E组的皇家巴福肯在勒斯滕堡2010年6月24日体育场足球比赛的对阵丹麦的胜利。Japan's Shinji Okazaki hugs Keisuke Honda as they celebrate their victory against Denmark after their Group E soccer match at Royal Bafokeng stadium in Rustenburg June 24, 2010.

晶粒尺寸增加,多孔PZT陶瓷的介电常数、压电系数和优值增加,并可用Okazaki空间电荷理论解释晶粒尺寸对试样介电和压电性能的影响。An increase in grain size increases the dielectric constant, piezoelectric coefficient and hydrostatic figures of merit, which can be explained by the Okazaki space-charge theory.

冈崎先生表示,三菱汽车的调查发现,美国销售的汽车无须召回,因为这些汽车的发动机和规格与日本的车型不同。Mr Okazaki said that MMC's investigation had found no vehicles that were subject to recalls in the US, as the engines and specifications of such vehicles differed from Japanese models.