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使我不再像那个蹒跚的老太婆。As if I were a doddering old relic.

表面上的活力,是否是内心的衰竭。The active on surface, means the doddering inside?

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殊不知自身漏洞百出早已呈老态龙钟之态。Not knowing their own flaws is already doddering attitude.

想着,走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel.

卡扎菲于1969年推翻了最后一个赛怒西部族领导,老态龙钟的伊本。易德立斯。Gadaffi overthrew the last Senoussi, the doddering Ibn Idris, in 1969.

他左摇右摆,像醉汉踉跄着,努力不让自己摔倒。He reeled and swayed, doddering like a drunken man to keep from falling.

在广州动物园我看见一只老态龙钟的华南虎。In the Guangzhou Zoo I saw a South China tiger in its doddering old age.

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修长的奥斯汀7世以及20世都已经是人们喜欢的老爷车。Spindly Austin 7's of the '20s are venerated like doddering old aunties.

在一栋尘埃遍地、鬼影憧憧的屋子里得了病,侍候她的只有一个老态龙钟的黑人。Fell in the house filled with dust and shadows, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her.

这是老态龙钟哥哥的胜利,它再也不必感谢他的弟弟了。It’s the triumph of the doddering older brother who no longer has to be grateful to his junior.

她先是病倒在那所充满灰尘的阴暗的房子里,只有一个步履蹒跚的黑人老仆照顾她。Fell ill in the house filled with dust and shadows, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her.

利比亚可能回到卡扎菲以前的时代,当时她是由英国管理的傀儡国王-步履蹒跚的伊本·伊德里斯统治。Libya would return to pre-Gadaffi days when it was ruled by a British-managed figurehead king, the doddering Ibn Idris.

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老态龙钟的罗丝讲完这段爱情后,把那串价值连城的珠宝沉入海底,让它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。Ross finished the doddering this love, then sank Nachuan priceless jewelry, it takes a long love Jack and this submarine.

老态龙钟的罗丝讲完这段哀恸天地的爱情之后,把那串价值连城的珠宝沉入海底,让它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。Doddering the Rose wanted this world who love lives, the value of jewellery Neichuan land sank to the bottom of the sea, and it ends this love soldiers, who accompanied the seabed.

现在我们知道,鲁伯特或许只是一个糊涂的糟老头子,他儿子则是尽其所能支吾其词,而且显然整个事件已经让他的妻子邓文迪变得神经紧张。We now know that Rupert just might be a doddering old fool, that his son can prevaricate with the best of them, and that Wendi Deng has clearly been put on edge by the whole experience.

阳台、窗户用白色石膏线装饰一新,这些原本“老态龙钟”的旧楼被粉饰一新后,让从三环上驾车而过的人们,都不禁眼前一亮。Porch, windows with white plaster decoration of a new line, the original " doddering " old buildings were glossing over a new, and a drive for the three circles of the people, can not help another.