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这只是其中的要点。This was the gist of it.

流言蜚语是有益处的。THE GIST Gossiping can be beneficial.

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他敏于了解书的要点。He is quick in grasping the gist of a book.

他敏于了解书的要点。He can not understand the gist of their argument.

那将成为我们今天讨论的要点。That's going to be the gist of my argument today.

他将他谈话的要点告诉了纳斯比。He related the gist of his conversation to Naseby.

性是美国黑人d.j。发展出的绕舌音乐的主题。Sex is the gist of rap music by the American black D. J.

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但就我所看到的,那才是它的要点。but that's basically the gist of the game from what I see it.

为城巾土地收购、整理、储备目标对象的确定提供基础。Offer gist to purchasing, coordinating, and hiving to urban-land.

这些数据又是防汛防旱及水利工程建设和管理的决策依据。These data is still the gist of preventing the flood and drought.

它并不完美,但至少可以让您看懂外文垃圾邮件的大概。It’s not perfect, but you’ll get the gist of that spam from Russia.

它可能起源于胃肠道的多潜能间充质干细胞。GIST has been suggested that it origin of pluripotential stem cells.

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结论常规MRI及DTI可为PVS的正确诊断提供新的依据。Conclusion MRI and DTI can provide new gist for the diagnosis of PVS.

在本文中,我们使用简单的代码来表达这种策略的要点。In this article, we kept this simple to convey the gist of the strategy.

成功的标题要醒目,让读者迅速了解文章的主旨。Successful headlines tell the gist of the story in a few powerful words.

将利益分割协调问题仅局限于寻找客观的依据上。Localize the devision &harmony of profit just on finding gist objectively.

对中心思想的概括,是喜欢细节性的问题还是简略回答?The general gist of it is like details of the issues or to answer a brief?

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在高铬铸铁的整个生产过程中要把好控制要点。Control gist must be mastered during whole production of high-chromium cast iron.

佛教的奥义是坚持戒律,戒律源自于内心的动机。The gist of Buddhism is to Pure Precepts, which is the origin of one's motivation.

与靶向药物结合外科治疗胃肠间质瘤更为适合。Target drug combined with surgery may be a better method for the treatment of GIST.