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梵谷在1885年搬到安特卫普。Van Gogh moved to Antwerp in 1885.

安特卫普市里有着很多富丽堂皇的石造古老建筑物。There were a lot of majestic old stone buildings in Antwerp.

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我轮仍在安特卫普港修理主机。My vessel is still at ANTWERP undergoing repairs to the main engine.

安特卫普世界钻石中心秘书长是菲力普·克莱斯。Philip Claes is secretary-general of the Antwerp World Diamond Center.

像比利时安特卫普这样的大型老旧河港同样处于劣势。Big, older river ports like Antwerp in Belgium are also at a disadvantage.

答案是阻塞一些特定的通往安特卫普和鹿特丹的河口。The answer was to block certain estuaries leading to Antwerp and Rotterdam

做法是阻塞一些特定的通往安特卫普和鹿特丹的河口。The answer was to block certain estuaries leading to Antwerp and Rotterdam.

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龙龙和爷爷相依为命,住在安特卫普镇的北方。An Orphan Nello lives with his kindly grandfather in the north part of Antwerp.

他的执着在他安特卫普奥运赛场上,了回报,他赢得重剑团体的金牌。His insubordination paid off when he won a gold medal in the team épée event in Antwerp.

我相信在安特卫普的经历可以帮助我,”他告诉桑德兰官方网站。I think my experience at Antwerp will help me, " he told Sunderland's official website."

安特卫普的钻石业行业团体AWDC周二公布了一项全面拓展中国市场的计划。The AWDC, the Antwerp industry's organizing body, Tuesday unveiled a full-scale effort to expand in China.

安特卫普在51分钟时再度落后,亚历山德。乔治瑞奥在86分钟的进球将比赛扳成平局。Antwerp fell behind again on 51 minutes, only to snatch an 86th-minute equaliser through Alexandre Di Gregorio.

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1886年凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris, and to major changes in artistic style.

首列乘载了普通乘客和学生的“环保列车”于本周一从安特卫普出发,驶向荷兰边界。The first "green train" left Antwerp on Monday for the Dutch border, filled with the usual commuters and students.

奥运会旗第一次使用是在1920年的安特卫普奥运会,之后会旗成为奥运会最具标志性的象征。The flag was first flown at the Antwerp games in 1920, and has become perhaps the most potent symbol of the games.

一名模特在比利时的安特卫普省举行的一个记者招待会上展示一颗重达603克拉的白色钻石。A model reveals a white diamond that hefts 603 carat on a news conference that in Belgian Antwerp the province holds.

本赛季早些时候被租借到皇家安特卫普之后,埃文思加入了前曼联队长基恩德桑德兰。After a spell with Royal Antwerp earlier this season, Evans teamed with former United captain Roy Keane at Sunderland.

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三辆整车中的一辆被送往英格兰,与1945年1月24日在比利时安特卫普登陆。One of the three completed Skinks was sent to England, and from there to Europe, landing at Antwerp on January 24 1945.

港城安特卫普气势磅礴的市政大厅广场、油画艺术大师鲁本斯……都为钻石之都增添了浓郁的人文气息。Antwerp also hosts the finest museums in Europe such as Rubens House, Museum of Royal Fine Arts, and the Diamond Museum.

从前,大约在离安特卫普市三英里的一个小村庄边有间小茅屋,里面住着一位老先生。There lived a very old man in a small hut on the outskirts of a little village which was about three miles from Antwerp.