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你看他财大气粗,就知道他是个暴发户。You can tell he is a parvenu.

这个雇主只是个恶劣地土暴发户而已。The employer is a bad parvenu only.

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有个暴发户在舞会上神气活现地四处走动。A parvenu swaggers by oneself at a party.

是什么让陈茶成为茶界“新贵”呢?Be what lets Chen Chacheng be tea bound " parvenu " ?

娱乐业新贵洪承礼发现了她的艺术天分。Hong Chengli of recreational industry parvenu discovered her artistic talent.

对外汉语专业作为近年崛起的“新贵”,迎来了“最好的时光”。External Chinese major regards the " parvenu that rises abruptly in recent years as " , greeted the days " with best ".

一九○○年左右,美国还是个新兴国家,欧洲的所谓高雅社会常以纡尊降贵态度相待。Around 1900, the United States was still a parvenu among nations, much patronised by the sophisticated society of Europe.

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北约的如意算盘是部分通过减少他和其他暴发户军阀的一些价值不菲的合同,从而让他出局。NATO's best hope is therefore to sideline him, partly by starving him, and other parvenu warlords, of some of their fat contracts.

那些公司和老板们拥有了这个“新贵”后,并不把它真正当作宠物来养,而是要把它们变成赚钱的机器。Those companies and bosses had this " parvenu " hind, just when make pet, do not come to it to raise really, want to turn them into profitable machine however.

为什么中国要占领蒙古?实际上已经通过贸易和投资拥有蒙古了。为什么要与政治新贵打交道?不实际啊。Why does China need to take over Mongolia? It already , practically, owns it through trade and investments. Why have to deal with the political parvenu ? Not practical.

他这番话的含义是,对于英特尔来说,这是一项很大的交易,因为该公司将能向世人声称,它是硅谷新贵在硬件方面的选择。He the meaning of this word is, to Intel, this is very big trade, because this company aux will be able to claims to common people, it is the choice of Silicon Valley parvenu in hardware respect.

在这篇论文里我将对世界银行的龙头花旗银行和中国银行新贵中国银行在历史发展和其当今的业务和管理进行比较。In this page, I will compare the history and current business and management between National city Bank of New York, the best bank of the world, and the Chinese Bank, the parvenu of Chinese bank.