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侦查一番才找到你的住址。I have to go out sleuth to find your address.

所以我希望大家。So if any of you want to be an archive sleuth and find them, great.

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不过在最后时刻,这位荧屏上的小胡子侦探还是得救了。At the last moment, however, the moustachioed TV sleuth has been saved.

这真是谋杀谜团的大好结局,而假扮侦探的人也玩得尽兴。It's the perfect ending for a murder mystery and enormous fun for those who get to play sleuth.

床头挂着一只灌洗器,这是他用来应付“紧急情况”的,是为“处女们”预备的,他总像一头警犬一样追逐她们。Over the bedstead hangs a douche bag which he keeps for emergencies – for the virgins whom he tracks down like a sleuth.

通过研究发现,SLEUTH模型算法简单直观,可以很好的进行城市扩展的动态模拟。It is proved that SLEUTH Model algorithm is simple and intuitive which can be suitable for the dynamic simulation of urban expansion.

如果你确实认为你最近所做的工作理应让你加薪或是升职,那么你要考察一番要求什么样的工资和新职位比较合适。If you do think your recent work merits a raise or promotion, sleuth out what is appropriate to ask for in terms of pay and new duties.

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每一集的奥秘是解决这一短的时间内,但不同于典型的检测表明,这种喜剧具有呆痴猎犬命名为六郎鞍马。Each episode's mystery is solved within that short time span, but unlike typical detective shows, this comedy features a slow-witted sleuth named Rokuro Kurama.

基于SLEUTH模型进行扩展模拟和预测,对模拟和预测结果结合统计数据进行解释。Based on SLEUTH model, the author simulates and predicts the urban expansion, and explains the rebuilding and predicting results under the consideration of statistics.

阿加莎·克里斯汀塑造的这位侦探经常因为心不在焉被踢出局,但她实际上看人极准,并且深谙人性的阴暗面。Agatha Christie's fictional sleuth is often dismissed as scatterbrained, but she is actually a shrewd judge of character and harbors deep knowledge of the dark side of human nature.

SLEUTH模型是元胞自动机模型的一种具体实现,它包含了四种城市增长方式和五个增长系数,再加上两个控制因素层一起作用于输入数据,能够较好地模拟城市的扩展。SLEUTH model is a kind of CA, it is composed by four growth rules and five coefficients, in conjunction with the excluded layer and the slope layer, it can successfully model the urbanization.