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全军都开始叫嚷着要将壕堑填平。The whole army begins to clamour for the fos se to be filled up.

得到低聚果糖生产的优化工艺条件。The optimized process conditions for producing FOS were obtained.

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在大量实验的基础上对低聚果糖的生产工艺进行优化。Based on lots of experiments, the production process of FOS was optimized.

结果正常对照组大鼠脑内无FOS阳性细胞出现。Results There was no FOS immunoreactive positive neuron in the brain of normal rats.

结论核FOS蛋白的异常表达可能与细胞免疫异常有关。Conclusions The c FOS superexpression may be related to lymphocyte immune depression of SCH.

当这些因素存在时某些地区就会变成一个充满保存完好的鱼龙化石的宝库。Given these factors some areas have become a treasury of well-preserved ichthyosaur fos sils.

果寡糖是包含在此产品,以协助双歧杆菌和生物体的健康成长。FOS is included in this product to assist healthy growth of acidophilus and bifidus organisms.

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FOS和MYC在精原细胞内从胞质向胞核的转移与细胞快速增殖的时期相吻合。Translocation of FOS and MYC from cytoplasm to nuclei of spermatogonia is consistent with quick proliferation of spermatogonia.

结论TMP对呼吸中枢的缺氧性损害具有保护作用,脑干内FOS蛋白可能参与了这一过程。Conclusion TMP has protective effect on the respiratory inhibition induced by hypoxia and FOS may be involved in the protection.

这一结果从蛋白表达的角度证明蓝斑核在阿片类药物戒断中的作用机理。The results indicated an obvious correlation between morphine withdrawal and Fos protein expression of locus coeruleus in rats brain.

感染后,FOS组的黏液分泌的增加及肠道通透性的增强相比对照组更为明显。After infection, mucin excretion and intestinal permeability in the FOS groups increased even further in contrast to the control group.

此外,排泄物中黏液素分泌增多,盲肠和结肠内容物以及盲肠粘膜中的粘液素浓度也会升高。Moreover, FOS increased fecal mucin excretion and mucin concentrations in cecal and colonic contents, and in cecal mucosa before infection.

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自从1998年11月11日开机以来,SOLLAC已经成功的保证了现代化的两流板坯连铸机稳定生产。SOLLAC has successfully operated the modernized two-strand slab caster since it was started up on November 11, 1998 at its Fos sur Mer plant.

因此,我们对饮食中的FOS在感染肠道沙门氏菌血清型肠炎前后是否会影响肠道通透性做了测验。Therefore, we examined whether dietary FOS affects intestinal permeability before and after infection with salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis.

利用多项式近似法对条件平均信干噪比作近似处理,获得了低复杂度的频偏校正值解析式。By properly exploiting the polynomial approximation method to approximate the conditional average SINR, a computationally efficient expression of the FOs correction value is obtained.

与模拟预报优化调度相比,简要分析了二者调度结果的差异及产生原因。Compared the result of SFOS, FOS, NFS, it was approved that SFOS and FOS is better than NFS, moreover, analyzed the difference and causation about the result of SFOS and FOS in briefly.

SAH后各周围脏器的炎性改变与MVZ内FOS蛋白的表达规律相一致,提示MVZ参与了SAH后周围脏器功能的调控,是SAH致MODS的直接调控中枢之一。There was the consistency between FOS protein expression and histological changes of each organ after SAH. It cued that MVZ may be one of the direct regulative centre after SAH by MODS.

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由于分散型强化松香胶拥有较佳的施胶效果,近年来很多纸厂均已采用分散型强化松香胶取代松香皂和普通强化松香胶。Because of its superior sizing efficiency, dispersion type fortified fos in sizes have been replacing rosin soaps and normal fortified rosin sizes in most paper mills during the past years.