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变性巨龙龙影布朗诅咒一个人!Transsexual Lony Brown fucks a guy!

当一个易性人是一件神奇美妙的事。But to be a transsexual is a magical, wondrous thing.

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为什么这么多男人接受变性手术呢?Why are so many men receiving the transsexual operation?

在变性手术后,她将变性为男人。She will become a transsexual man after the sex change operation.

基德曼出演的是第一个通过变性手术改变自己性别的艺术家艾纳·魏格纳。Kidman is playing the first post-operative transsexual Einar Wegener.

在首轮招聘中,100多名变性人提交了申请。More than 100 transsexual people applied for the first round of jobs.

做一个男人怎么了?为什么这么多男人接受变性手术呢?What's wrong of being a boy? Why are so many men receiving the transsexual operation?

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想像一下,一个女人描绘了世界上第一个由男变女的变性人。Imagine that one of the women portrays the world's first post-op male-to-female transsexual.

对于一些人错误地指责杰克逊为变性人的说法,这里显然是排除在外的。That will exclude him as being "transsexual" which some people have wrongfully accused him to be.

易性病是一种心理障碍性疾病,变性手术是易性病的重要治疗方法。Transsexualism is a severe gender dysphoria, for which transsexual operation is an important therapy.

托马斯是一名变性男子,他说对于自己将出生的奇迹般的孩子感到兴奋。Thomas who is a transsexual man said that he is excited about the upcoming birth of his "miracle" child.

哈佛大学将设立首个研究男女同性恋、双性恋、变性问题的讲座教授职位。Harvard University is creating an endowed professorship in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual studies.

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密苏里大学的一位女生接受了史上第一例女变男变性手术。A female University of Missouri student underwent the first female-to-male transsexual operation in history.

对于一个青少年或是小孩子是否应该被允许去探究他们那种异性转化欲有很大的争论。It is very controversial as to whether or not an adolescent or young child should be allowed to explore their transsexual feelings.

矫正土坏之酸性,增加土坏中质换性之钙,析出土坏固定之肥份。Fertilizing the correction of the soil acidic, to increase the soil bad in quality transsexual calcium, precipitation earthen fixed.

不同的文化不赞成异性转化的行为,这对那些人以及他们如何在社会上生存会带来很大的压力。Different cultures do not approve of transsexual behavior and this can cause tremendous stress on the individuals and how they exist in society.

广电总局最近对广播电视行业进行了一系列打击,据称本周又“封杀”了某电视选秀节目的一名变性人评委。Apparently adding to a series of recent blows, China*s broadcasting regulator this week purportedly banned a transsexual judge on a TV talent contest.

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我是一个受过良好教育的人,非常崇尚自由,但是即便表面上接受变性,我还是觉得这个问题非常难以理解。"I am an educated person and quite liberal, but while superficially being accepting, have found the transsexual issue rather difficult to absorb," she wrote.

此项教育计划是为了增强儿童对男、女同性恋者、双性人和变性人问题的认识,理论上该课程适用于4岁以上的儿童。The lesson plans are designed to raise awareness about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual issues and, in theory, could be used for children as young as 4.

“今天,制度化的对同性恋的憎恶感已经被抛弃。”杰米·洛佩斯·贝拉,女同性恋、双性恋、男同性恋、变性和变性人议程小组的领导人说。"Today, institutionalized homophobia has been buried, " said Jaime Lopez Vela, a leader of the group Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual and Transgender Agenda.